What better way to showcase the scenery along the Mohawk River and Erie Barge Canal than running and biking through about 20 miles of it?
The Mohawk Towpath Scenic Byway Coalition will host the Fifth Annual Mohawk Towpath Byway Duathlon on Sunday, Oct. 14. The duathlon is an athletic event involving a 2.2-mile run, 16-mile bike ride, and a 2.2-mile run to the finish along the byway’s scenic, rural roads in the towns of Clifton Park and Halfmoon.
The duathlon provides an excellent opportunity to highlight the historic resources along the byway route to a group that might not otherwise be familiar with the byway, said Eric Hamilton, chairman of the nonprofit coalition.
Hamilton added that the byway tells the compelling story of the Erie Canal and the importance it and our communities played in the westward expansion of the country and in the industrial revolution.
`It’s a great event for the byway, especially since these people that are doing the duathlon are usually not the typical people that are out on the byway on a regular basis,` Hamilton said. `We’ll have some older people, but most entrants will be in their 30s and 40s ` a lot of whom wouldn’t be exposed to the scenic byway unless they were competing on it.`
The event will start at 9 a.m. at Krause’s Grove at the foot of Beach Road just off Canal Road in the town of Halfmoon. The event is open to single entries, team entries and will include a fun children’s race.
The proceeds from the event will be used by the nonprofit Byway Coalition, Inc. to implement the scenic route from Waterford to Schenectady along the banks of the Mohawk River and the historic Erie Canal.
`After last year’s tremendously successful event, we are looking forward to surpassing our expectations once again this year. This year we expect over 100 participants. We are excited about a fun kids race that we have added this year,` said Mindy Wormuth, Halfmoon town supervisor.
The kids fun race will be less than a quarter mile loop right at Krause’s that the youth run, then don helmets and bike to the finish. Parents will be able to see the entire youth race and share the fun and excitement.
For details on the event and how to enter visit the Byway’s Web site at www.mohawktowpath.org/duathlon.html. Those interested in mixing sweat with scenery can also pick up a flier/entry form at the Clifton Park or Halfmoon town halls, Gold’s in Clifton Park or at Proactive Chiropractic in Halfmoon.
Those who pre-register on or before Oct. 5 can take advantage of a reduced entry fee, but participants may enter on race day, Friday, Oct. 14, until 8:30 a.m.“