On Primary Day in Bethlehem, voters gave incumbent candidates their stamp of approval.
Supervisor Jack Cunningham, a Democrat, won the Independence Party line over Republican- and Conservative-endorsed candidate James Grady by a vote of 209-to-151.
I appreciate everybody’s hard work, said Cunningham as the results came in to the Nathaniel Blanchard American Legion Hall on Tuesday evening, Sept. 18.
`I’m very excited, and it’s now on to November and victory there,` said Cunningham over the shouts of `Keep Cunningham` from his supporters.
Following his defeat in the primary, Grady said he plans to stay focused on the November election.
`I thought I did well and exactly as I expected,` said Grady. `I’ll continue my door-to-door campaign to educate people.`
Grady charged the Democrats with re-enrolling voters as Independence Party members without the full knowledge of voters in the town.
Cunningham responded that both Republicans and Democrats have been re-enrolling voters in the Independence and Conservatives parties for some time.
`There are like-minded Democrats enrolled in the Independence Party and like-minded Republicans enrolled in the Independence Party,` Cunningham said.
Cunningham was appointed town supervisor in April by the town board following Terri’s Egan’s departure to take a job with the state Department of Motor Vehicles.
In the Democratic primary race for 36th District Albany County legislator, incumbent Howard Shafer defeated another Democratic Party-backed candidate Leo Dorsey Jr. with a vote of 148-to-55.
Shafer has challenged Dorsey’s candidacy, alleging that he does not reside in the 36th District. Although the case was thrown out in court, Shafer said he believes the point was made.
‘I guess the courts and the party chair can pick a candidate who doesn’t live in the district, but voters decided they want a person who lives in the district,` Shafer said. `I served the voters well, and I’m responsible to the people.`
Shafer also challenged Dorsey on the Independence line with a spirited write-in candidacy. The board of elections is still in the process of verifying the votes in that close primary, and results are expected later this week. If Shafer wins the Independence line, Dorsey will not be on the ballot in November. See spotlightnews.com for updates on the ballot count.
Republican Daniel Pershing will be the Conservative candidate in November for town justice, winning that line over Democrat Paul Dwyer. Both candidates will be on the November ballot.
In the race for Albany County Comptroller, incumbent Democrat Michael Connors II easily defeated challenger Patricia Slavik by a vote of 9,227-to-7,600. Slavik, a member of the Guilderland town board, was also the party’s endorsed candidate. There is no Republican candidate for county comptroller in the November elections.“