Billed as a Meet the Candidates Night for the Tuesday, Sept. 18, Democratic primary, the assemblage of nearly 200 residents were soon witness to a true debate as Mayor Valerie Keehn and her mayoral challenger Gordon Boyd faced the public and each other Monday, Sept. 10, during an event sponsored by the League of Women Voters.
While the campaigns of the two candidates have drawn the attention of the County Democratic Party chairman for its vitriol, the debate was a civil one.
Boyd, in his opening statement, listed his priorities as keeping the current city charter and commission form of government while adjusting the charter to promote more transparency and efficiency. He also said that if he were elected, he would control growth in the city, try to curb the cost of government and the cost of living.
Keehn said she would put public interest before self interest, maintain the quality of life in the city and Saratoga Springs’ status as a destination and preserve open space. Changing a stance she held for the majority of her first term, Keehn said she would not seek to change the city’s charter in her second term.
During the 90-minute event, the candidates fielded questions from the public and each other, and were given two red cards each to use to immediately respond to their opponent.
On the capital budget
Both candidates fielded questions about the city’s near $63 million capital program for the next three years. The $26 million 2008 capital budget includes $17 million for a public safety facility.
Keehn said there is an immediate need for the facility and that it should be bonded out now. Boyd said he favors a program of setting aside $1 million to $2 million per year until the city could afford a new facility.
`I don’t think there is a debate as to whether there is a need for a new police station,` said Boyd. `But I think the most important thing we could do is make a commitment to public safety that we can afford.`
Keehn disagreed. `We’ve been studying this issue for 18 years. The time to build this facility is now,` said Keehn.
On taxes
Keehn said the city has an operating deficit of $1 million and noted the 4.5 percent tax increase that occurred last year, even after realizing more video lottery terminal revenue than the city had expected.
`It seems the more we have, the more we spend,` said the mayor. She said the city should lower its annual increase to 3 percent.
`I couldn’t have said it better myself,` replied Boyd. He referred back to the city’s capital program as an example of overspending. He reiterated that all of the projects, particularly the public safety facility, were worthy ones, but said the city couldn’t afford to do them in the proposed timeline.
When asked about the $6.3 million indoor recreation facility, Boyd said, `That horse is already out of the barn.`
He said he would like to see less of a focus on only sports as recreation and more of a partnership with existing area facilities like the Arts Council and the Spa Little Theater. `Why should we differentiate sports from, say, a violin lesson or the theater?` he asked.
Keehn noted that the original funds needed for the facility were bonded before she became mayor. She increased the bonded funds for the facility after `it became very clear that the original $2 million was not going to get us very far.`
On water
Both candidates said they supported a city water system independent from the Saratoga County system.
`Above all, it keeps the city in control of the water system, which is tantamount to maintaining our autonomy as a municipality,` said Boyd.
Keehn said she has always supported the Saratoga Lake water project and has sat on a council that has taken many steps toward realizing that project. She questioned Boyd’s support of a city water system when he has supported state Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, R-Brunswick, who has been a staunch supporter of the Saratoga County system.
On affordable housing
Boyd proposed turning the High Rock Avenue municipal parking lot into a combination of affordable housing and parking decks to address the need for both. He also suggested allowing auxiliary apartments so homeowners could supplement their income while addressing the need for housing.
Keehn said zoning in the city needed to be changed in a way that `demanded` affordable housing. She also proposed rezoning non-conforming lots to allow for auxiliary apartments and suggested amnesty for existing, illegal, carriage houses and garage-apartments.
On civility on the City Council
When asked if she regretted calling her fellow council members `cowards` and political opponents `wretched,` Keehn said she did not.
`I believe that you should call a spade a spade, and I believe in telling it like it is,` she said. `If there’s anyone out there who doesn’t know anyone who is mean-spirited and only out to promote their self-interest, good for you.`
Keehn also said she would not extend an olive branch to Public Works Commissioner Thomas McTygue, and that any attempt at reconciling their nearly two years of infighting should be done by him.
When Boyd was asked about his endorsement by the Saratoga Springs Conservative Party, he noted he is also endorsed by the Saratoga Springs Democratic Party and said it reflected the way he is able to work across party lines.
`Frankly, I’m concerned with beating Republicans in November, and to take the Conservative line away from them is a victory of over 500 votes,` he said.
On the upcoming primary election
Republican mayoral candidate Scott Johnson sat silently in a back row of the Saratoga Springs Public Library community room while his opponents debated the issues. He is awaiting the Sept. 18 Democratic Primary as eagerly as they are, he said in an earlier interview.
`When the time comes, I’ll debate either one of them on either their record as mayor or the issues that are facing this city,` said Johnson from his home.
Johnson said discord among his Democratic rivals may help him secure the mayor’s seat. `It certainly can’t hurt me at all,` he said.
Saratoga County Democratic Party Chairman Larry Bulman told media late last month that he was bothered by statements Keehn made during a recent fundraiser.
Keehn, during a fundraiser attended by Democracy for America Chairman Jim Dean, made a comment about stopping the `backdoor politicking` in City Hall. That comment was followed by the statement, `I will continue to endure the wrath of the wretched on behalf of your families and for your health. And I have looked into the eyes of these people one too many times ` and they are wretched.`
Keehn sits on the City Council with three other Democrats and an Independent.
Bulman said this type of negativity could turn voters away from the party.
`That lack of civility is one of the biggest reasons I’m running for office,` said Johnson. `I can’t endorse that kind of campaigning for any office, let alone for mayor.`
Keehn said the perceived lack of civility between her and Boyd is a non-issue.
`I really don’t have anything to say about that,` she said. `I’m moving forward with my campaign. I have a long list of accomplishments that I’m very proud of, and there are many important issues in this city that I am taking on.`
Keehn said she is feeling very positive about the upcoming primary.
`People understand that I’m not your average leader,` she said.
She said she also isn’t concerned that Boyd has gotten the Democratic Party’s endorsement.
`A lot of these endorsements are politics as usual,` said Keehn. `I won the last election without any of those endorsements.`
Keehn has the endorsements of the Working Families Party, Democracy for Saratoga Springs and Democracy for America, while Boyd has the endorsements of the Democratic Party and the Saratoga County Central Labor Council.
Boyd said he was aware of the perception of a rift in the Democratic Party. `I’ve been talking to a lot of voters who are concerned about the rhetoric,` he said. `I’ve made every effort to be civil and professional in my campaign.
Regarding the mayor’s comment about his endorsements, Boyd said, `I think the mayor’s playing a little sour grapes there, with her not getting many endorsements.` “