Nestled in a quaint Delmar neighborhood hidden by a tall row of trees off Dumbarton Drive is the Kenholm Pool, a cozy neighborhood pool that aims to please.
I grew up coming to this pool, said lifeguard Maddie White, who also lives right down the street from the oasis. `You know all the kids here; it’s a lot of fun.`
The Kenholm Pool Association formed in 1964 as new homes in the Kenwood Avenue neighborhood were being built, and the pool has kept parents and children cool on many hot summer days.
There is a kiddie pool and an adult pool that is 23 yards long and 9 feet deep. The staff includes four full-time lifeguards who work Monday through Friday, from noon to 8 p.m., and on weekends, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. A preschool camp is among the summer activities for kids.
`It’s never too crowded,` said Tasha Anderson who brings her daughter, Emma, to the pool. `You can always keep an eye on your kids.`
Most members come from the neighborhood, however, season members come from all parts of Bethlehem and even the city of Albany.
`We love it,` said Marsha Goldstein a regular swimmer of the Kenholm pool along with Sandra Goldstein. `It’s charming, I love the country setting, and the people are so nice.`
Family memberships cost $275 and a single membership is $150 for the summer. Lifeguards White and Monica Gerbini take turns cleaning the pool every day. The main pool is newly tiled, and picnic tables and grills are available.
The pool is open from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
`I give a lot of credit to our board members who raise funds,` said Anderson. `It takes a lot of work.`
For information, call 439-9831. “