The cleanup from powerful summer storms Monday, July 9, began in Bethlehem and many towns throughout the Capital District, Tuesday, July 10, as thousands were still without power and many roads were closed.
Last night was unbelievable because everybody’s power was out, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Jim Kerr, Tuesday.
Route 9W was closed Tuesday near Wemple Road due to a power pole bent like a twig from bustling winds that ripped through the region around 7 p.m. A tree across the yard of Joan Stahlmin at 760 Route 9W also came down from the storm.
`We had a tornado come in here about 12 years ago and took many trees down,` said Stalhmin, observing he damage from her front yard. `I saw some branches flying by my picture window last night,` she said.
Along Elsmere Avenue several trees were uprooted in a two-mile stretch, many of those on property owned by Peter Kleinke, a lifelong resident of Elsmere. Kleinke said it’s the worst storm he has ever seen.
`I saw trees bending and told my wife to come look,` said Kleinke, who watched the storm damage trees in his daughter’s yard while she was inside her home.
`No one got hurt, that’s the main thing,` said Klienke.
A portion of lower Delaware Avenue near town hall was closed after a large tree fell across the road landing on top of power lines that were bending several feet.
Town Hall was open Tuesday as a cooling station for residents without power.