Stuart Lyman, D.V.M., current president of the school board, and Richard Svenson, the past president of Bethlehem’s school board, will not be running for re-election in May when there term runs out.
Both veteran board members made their announcement at this weeks meeting of the school board.
Lyman has been a member of the Bethlehem board of education since 1994, serving 13 years. Svenson returned to the board in July of 2001 after serving a three-year term from 1997-2000. Svenson has spent nine years on the board of education.
Nominating petitions for these two open seats on the 2007-08 Bethlehem Central school board of education are now available from the school district clerk’s office at 90 Adams Place, Delmar 12054. The terms for seats currently held by Lyman and Svenson will expire on June 30.
Each term of office is three years, beginning July 1.
Each nominating petition must contain a minimum of 118 valid signatures and must be filed with the district clerk by 5 p.m., April 16, which is 30 days prior to the school district’s annual meeting and district budget vote on May 15.