More than just a collection of vendors, the farmers market brings together area businesses, local farms and community members to mingle over a shared love of fresh produce, hand-crafted goods and conversation.
Every Thursday evening and Saturday morning, local vendors gather at Wiswall Park to sell everything from fresh corn, greens and potatoes to jam, spices, cookies, pies and jewelry.
Co-chair of the farmers market committee, Cyndi Pastore, said, Local agriculture is not just veggies. We have maple syrup, herbs and local artisans too.
Most vendors are from the immediate Ballston area, but some come from farther away places like Scotia and Galway.
The Ballston Spa Business and Professional Association runs the farmers market. Each vendor must be a member of the organization to sell products at the market.
Pastore owns Morningview Farms on Goode Road. She sells certified organic produce that she grows on her farm, as well as fresh eggs. Pastore said she has doubled her sales over past year.
The Ballston Spa farmer’s market is a small, quaint group of vendors, Pastore said, usually no more than 20.
`This is not like in Saratoga. We are much smaller, but we’re good with that,` she said.
For small local businesses, going to the farmers market is the best form of advertising.
Richard and Helen Stutzenstein have been setting up shop at the farmers market for three years. They sell maple syrup and honey from their farm in Greenfield Center.
The Stutzensteins said getting involved in the farmers market has been great exposure for them.
`This has been a good avenue for our product. We have gotten our name out there and have generated a lot of clientele,` Helen Stutzenstein said.
Barbara Develin sells hand-blended spice packets for $3.95 at the market. She uses no salts or preservatives. Develin’s spice packets come with recommended recipes and some of her concoctions are there for tasting.
Develin said she has only been in business for two years, and coming to the fair has been great exposure for her.
Residents hoping to snag fresh corn or blueberries have to get to the market early because vendors usually sell out.
Stephanie Stanislowski’s family owns Eagle’s View Farms on Route 29 in Galway. The Stanislowskis sell blueberries every Thursday and Saturday at the market, as well as providing blueberries to the Gideon Putnam Hotel and letting people pick their own on the farm.
The market runs from 3 6 p.m. on Thursdays, and Stanislowski was packed up by 4:45 p.m last week. `We usually bring about 85 pounds of blueberries and sell out each day,` she said.
Residents also enjoy and look forward to fresh baked goods at the market.
Emily Domiano owns the Saratoga Cookie Company, which is a big attraction at the farmer’s market. She bakes her own gourmet cookies in her home using butter, not shortening.
Domiano said she uses high- quality ingredients, such as roasted peanuts, freshly grated nutmeg and huge raisins in her cookies.
Domiano runs a successful business, shipping cookies across the country.
Each cookie costs 90 cents, and she sells a dozen for $9.99. `During Christmas I am very busy. I usually bake over 15,000 cookies in 4 weeks,` she said.
Local residents go to the farmer’s market to talk with one another and support local agriculture and businesses.
Carrie Curvin lives in the neighborhood and said she walks down to the market with her young son Noah every week. `I like to support local businesses, and my son flirts with the vendors,` she said. Curvin said she always buys blueberries, if they aren’t gone, and cookies.
Sarah McKinley and her young daughter go to the market every week, too. McKinley said doesn’t worry about the cost of the produce. `I don’t really worry about it, supporting local businesses is more important to me,` she said.
Renee Kakati is a massage therapist in town. She loves getting involved with the community and comes to the farmers market whenever she can. `In the summer, I’d like to not buy my produce in the grocery store,` she said.
The Ballston Spa Farmer’s Market is from 3 to 6 p.m. Thursdays and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays, until Sept. 30. For information, contact the Ballston Spa Business and Professional Organization at 885-2772.