BETHLEHEM — Bethlehem Police arrested Dwayne L. Britt Jr., 24, of Troy, on Tuesday, Sept. 27, in connection with a series of daytime burglaries in Glenmont.
Police conducted a month-long investigation into residential burglaries in Glenmont that had many similarities. After developing a suspect vehicle and executing search warrants in Troy, police said it recovered two shotguns that had been stolen in one of the burglaries, as well as property stolen from residential burglaries in other towns.
Britt was charged with two counts of second degree burglary and two counts of fourth degree grand larceny. He was arraigned in Town of Bethlehem Court and remanded to Albany County Jail in lieu of $75,000 bail. He is scheduled to return to court Friday, Sept. 30, at 9 a.m., for a preliminary hearing.
Bethlehem Police worked with Colonie Police during the investigation and assisted by Troy Police during the search warrant. The investigation into these burglaries continues.