The rural Town of Charlton may not have as many events as neighboring towns, but when it does, it’s done right.
This year marks Charlton’s 45th annual Founder’s Day Weekend, which will take place on Saturday, June 2, and Sunday, June 3. The two-day event is hosted by the Charlton Historical Society and draws just about every resident within the town and beyond.
With only one weekend to pack it all in, the town holds a myriad of activities including a 5K race on Saturday at 10 a.m., a Party in the Park on Saturday evening (including a fireworks show), an art show on both days, a parade at 2 p.m. on Sunday as well as a farmers and crafters market on Maple Avenue on Sunday from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.
This is the first year the event will be funded totally by donations. Many sponsors have supported the weekend, including Ballston National Bank, CDHP, Morris Ford, County Waste and many individuals. Up until last year the event was funded through a Family Day Grant from the state, which has since been cut.
The theme for the weekend is “First Families” to celebrate the first settlers of the agricultural rural town. In that spirit, it will also be the first Founders Day to host a farmers and crafters market.
“We have some folks who have lived here for generations like the LaRues … who have a farm on Charlton Road and can trace their history way back to the early 1800s,” said Town Supervisor Alan Grattidge. Albert LaRue will be serving as Grand Marshal for the parade.
“History is really important to the people of Charlton. We’re living in our historic district, which is where our Town Hall is and our little Main Street. I believe it was one of the first hamlets to be recognized as a historic district,” Grattidge continued.
Charlton takes pride in the fact the town still has six operating dairy farms and many horse farms that have begun in the area as of late. The dairy industry alone has lost countless farms due to a drop in milk prices in the last few years, so the fact that the town has retained six of them is no small feat.
“Agriculture is a big part of not only our history, but a big part of what we are today. Recognizing (our roots) is a key ingredient that we have, we have such a rich history … people really support it,” Grattidge said.
Saturday night’s Party in the Park is a big draw and includes a fireworks show. Empire State Fireworks puts on the show, which is one of the “best shows in the area” according to Grattidge. A crowd of approximately 2,500 has been witness to the event in the past.
“We love our history here in Charlton and this is our weekend, once a year to celebrate all the great things that go on in Charlton. … Party in the Park is really a family gathering of townspeople to come and see your neighbors, people that you haven’t seen all year,” said Grattidge.
For Sunday’s parade, Grattidge said many groups participate and the horses are “the last ones allowed in the parade just in case they leave any calling cards.”
The Historical Society’s Parade Committee Chairman Torben Aabois a native of Denmark, but has fully embraced Charlton and its history. He has even served as the society’s president in the early 1990s.
“When I moved to Charlton and found out about the history I became very interested,” Aabo said.
Aabo said he is impressed with the turnout for the parade.
“Standing at the roadside and meeting townspeople … seeing them and saying ‘Hi’ is great. It’s very community oriented,” he said.
Eileen Stone, chairperson of the Farmers/Crafters Market, said there will be over 20 vendors. Pastured pork, free range poultry, grass-fed beef, hand painted floor coverings, homemade baked goods and honey are just a few of the culinary treats and goods visitors can expect.
The Charlton Tavern will be making hamburgers from the grass-fed beef, and Stone is glad to “get the word out” about this alternative to conventionally raised beef.
“I really appreciate where I’m living, and Charlton is a very strong community and I just wanted to help facilitate that sharing and highlighting what people are doing,” she said.
For more information on the weekend, visit or the town’s website at