Keahon and Giuttari tried to cash check at credit union for $5,000, had drugs.
SLINGERLANDS – On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, the Bethlehem Police Department arrested Robert J. Keahon, 44, of Clarkstown and Maria S. Giuttari, 57, of Monroe on larceny and conspiracy charges stemming from an incident that occurred at Broadview Federal Credit Union.
On September 25 at 4:07 PM Giuttari entered Broadview Federal Credit Union and attempted to make a fraudulent transaction in the amount of $5,000. Staff at the credit union did not process the transaction and contacted the police department. Responding officers arrested Giuttari and Keahon in the parking lot as they attempted to leave the scene.
Guittari had a large quantity of drugs in her possession including a quantity of cocaine and other drugs in packaging.

Giuttari was charged with seven counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument, criminal possession of a controlled substance-fifth degree, and attempted grand larceny-third degree, all felonies, and three counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance – seventh and Conspiracy – fifth degree, all misdemeanors.

Keahon was charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument, a felony, and Conspiracy – fifth degree, a misdemeanor.
Both were arraigned in Town of Bethlehem Court by judge Theresa Egan and released under the supervision of Albany County Probation. A return date was set for October 15 .