As part of a new dining initiative, Colonie Senior Service Centers has decided to change things up at Beltrone Living Center, offering its residents a fine dining experience.
The Senior Service Centers and Mazzone Hospitality have partnered to create PRIME Life in the Beltrone Living Center. Stemming from the initiative, Mazzone will begin to expand its food services in independent senior living centers.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the end of June, officially opening PRIME Life and introducing Beltrone residents to the new dining options. Senior Service Centers Executive Director Ed Neary said the residents were not disappointed.
“The seniors were just ecstatic,” he said. “ I think everything we do on a daily basis, they know we’re going to try to make it the best we possibly can.”
The service centers had been getting food services from Sodexo for about eight years. When the contract ended in mid-June, Neary said the organization felt it was time for a change.
Colonie Senior Service Centers has partnered with Mazzone Hospitality in the past to cater annual events, like Warmth of Wine in the winter. When Neary approached owner Angelo Mazzone about the opportunity to expand into senior living centers, the Mazzone team decided “this was a line they would like to develop,” said Neary.
“We realized a lot of the same customers that would dine at Angelo’s restaurants are in senior living,” said Stacey Warrings, PRIME Life marketing manager. “They still want fine dining. We saw it as a great new division to create fine dining in senior living.”
The menu options are similar to what a customer at a Mazzone restaurant would see, said Warrings. For example, Beltrone residents could order a Caprese salad or fruit plate, and citrus glazed salmon or grilled pork ribeye for dinner. Diners would also get to order more casual food off the grill, like a hamburger and grilled cheese.
Warrings said each new dining option caters to a centers specific need. Some might offer breakfast and lunch, or others might offer all three meals, like at Beltrone.
“What they’re experiencing… is sort of like country club dining. Seniors are entitled to that in their later years. Something special, something to look forward to,” said Neary.