The Clifton Park Citizen Corps Council (CPCCC) has been awarded grant funding to support several of its initiatives through 2008. The funding, said to be over $20,000, will assist the CPCCC in its efforts to provide emergency preparedness education and public outreach programs.
Clifton Park has long committed to emergency planning to protect our community, said Supervisor Phil Barrett. `The all-volunteer Citizen Corps brings resident, scholastic and business perspectives to the table and ensures that all segments of our community are included in the planning process. More importantly the Citizen Corps volunteers ensure that the town continues to provide free emergency prep-aredness and response and first aid and CPR training programs to those who live and work in Clifton Park.`
The funding will also provide the means to improve existing programs like the special-needs registry known as the `Are You OK?` initiative. This free program compiles and maintains a list of residents with disabilities and special abilities, to be shared with the emergency services within the town, so those people are treated appropriately during any kind of emergency.
The CPCCC was established after the events of Sept. 11, 2001, when President George W. Bush created the USA Freedom Corps and encouraged residents to provide service in their local areas. Initially funded through Homeland Security grants, the program was originally brought to the attention of the Clifton Park Town Board by Councilman Tom Paolucci and strongly supported by the entire board; the CPCCC is a completely volunteer program, which relies heavily on grants for their funding.
`The town has supported the program with in-kind services,` said Barb McHugh, director of community development for Clifton Park. Those services include administration, facilities and personnel. Since the grant is a reimbursement grant, the town must pay for the expenses of the CPCCC after which it applies for payment through the grant, which is administered by the State Emergency Management Organization (SEMO).
Since its inception, the CPCCC and its Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) Team have assisted with a number of large town events as well as provided support for area communities needing assistance with emergency shelters.
CERT classes are offered on a semi-regular basis. A new training session began just last week, and those who would like to be a part of it can still get involved.
`It’s not too late to join,` said McHugh. `Interested persons should come to the program on Thursday, Oct. 12, to the town’s public safety building on Route 146 at 7 p.m.` Training will occur each Thursday evening ending on Nov. 8.
The 20-hour course will provide participants with training on disaster preparedness and response, first aid and medical operations, CPR and AED, fire safety, incident command structure, light search and rescue, as well as psychology of disaster stressors and terrorism.
`CERT is a nationally recognized program that helps our citi-zens help themselves in emergencies and natural disasters,` said Barrett. `The CERT course trains citizens how to protect their families and neighbors under difficult circumstances. It is vital information.`
Approximately 65 residents have completed the CERT training with another 135 having taken the First Aid and CPR class.
In conjunction with the Saratoga Health Department’s Citizen Corps, the CPCCC will be hosting an information session, complete with a video related to the sheltering of residents during disasters and emergencies. Open to the public, the program will include information about how, when and where the town needs to establish shelters. It will also discuss education of residents, requirements to operate a shelter, and determining what kinds of shelters are needed or wanted in the community, including what accommodations are available for those with special needs.
The program will begin at 7 p.m. at the Clifton Park Public Safety Building on Route 146 on Wednesday, Oct. 18. Residents are invited to attend and encouraged to ask questions. For information on the CPCCC, CERT Training or other programs offered by the CPCCC, contact the town’s office of community development at 371-6651 or by e-mail at [email protected]. “