UHLS Library Expedition
It’s road trip season – visit as many of the 36 libraries as you can through July 31st as part of the 2023 Upper Hudson Library Expedition! Each destination features unique features and offerings, and there are prizes along the way toward becoming a Library 36er! Go to https://www.uhls.org/expedition/Expedition_home.pdf for full details, including maps, suggested routes, places to eat, notable spots, swag, and more! A special final prize awaits those who complete the entire tour, and there’s an extra-special prize for 36ers from 2018 who do it again this year!
Sunday Concert: Quintocracy
Quintocracy is a dynamic woodwind quintet who firmly believe that music should be accessible and diverse. They’ll perform a repertoire for us they call “Spring Seasonings,” featuring music of the “four seasons” with works by Antonio Vivaldi, Samuel Barber, Jennifer Higdon, and Astor Piazzolla. All ages are encouraged to come hear Quintocracy on Sunday April 30 at 2:00 p.m. as they break the classical ensemble mold with superb artistry!
More Materials on Libby
All cardholders in the Upper Hudson Library System (UHLS), including Guilderland Public Library patrons, now have greater access to digital books and audiobooks due to a reciprocal lending agreement between UHLS and the Mid-Hudson, Southern Adirondack, and Mohawk Valley Library Systems. These additional collections may be accessed using the Libby app. As a reminder, the Overdrive app will be discontinued on Monday May 1. All eBook, eMagazine and audiobook app users will now access these digital materials through Libby.
Author Visit:
“Ladies’ Day at the Capitol”
Join us for a special author presentation on Wed. May 3 at 6:00 p.m. (rescheduled), as Author Lauren Kozakiewicz discusses her work, “Ladies’ Day at the Capitol.” This book integrates – for the first time – the history of New York’s women lawmakers with the larger story of New York State politics. Through extensive research and interviews, the author documents New York women’s actions as elected officials between 1919 and 1992, and explores how gendered ideas affected their careers and ability to represent women’s voices in government. A Q & A session will follow the presentation.
Computer Coach
Volunteer Computer Coach Robin knows Apple products! Maximize use of your Apple device with a customized hour-long appointment with Robin which can cover Apple computers (Macbook, Macbook air, etc.), Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPad and iPhone. Register on our Events Calendar at guilderlandlibrary.org for a Friday morning session with Robin at 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 5 or May 19.
Open Mic Café
In celebration of National Poetry Month, we’re offering an Open Mic Café on Fri. May 5 at 5:30-7:30 p.m. Everyone ages teen through adulthood is welcome to read their own work or something they enjoy from the library’s collection. This is the final event for the “Reads & Roasts Book Challenge”—so snag that last bingo card badge and join us! Please note: we’re allowing 5-10 minutes per reader, and you do not need to be registered for the Book Challenge to participate.
Night Owls
Book Club
We’re pouring over some of the most talked-about fiction and nonfiction titles, and you’re invited! For our next meetup on Monday May 8 at 7:30 p.m., we’re reading “The Personal Librarian,” by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. Please obtain a copy at the Information Desk, then register for the hybrid book discussion (choice of online or in-person).
There are three storytime options available each week. Choose from Toddler Storytime (18-36 months) on Tuesdays, Family Storytime (birth-age 5) on Wednesdays, or Preschool Storytime (ages 3-5) on Thursdays, all beginning at 10:30 a.m. No registration is needed.
Contact us at 518.456.2400 or [email protected]. To set up a passport appointment, press option 2. Overdue fines were eliminated; patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of lost items.