iscover a full slate of summer fun as we dive into “Oceans of Possibilities!” All ages can earn prizes by logging your reading in Beanstack at: https://guilderlandlibrary.org/adultsrp for adults, and https://guilderlandlibrary.org/srp for kids and teens. Registration opens two weeks prior to the program on the Events Tab of our website.
July 11-16 is Pirate Week, featuring:
Pirate activity kit for grades K-2 – register, then pick up your kit Tuesday, July 12 to Saturday. July 16.
Pirate Treasure Hunt at Tawasentha Park – Wednesday, July 13, at 2:30, 3 or 3:30 p.m. Assemble your crew, wear your best pirate gear, and sail on over to the park to solve the clues and find the hidden pirate treasure! Crews of up to five people must contain at least one child going into grades 3-5 and one adult; the other crew members can be any age.
Storytime Thursday, July 14, at 10:30 a.m. for infants through age 5 and their caregivers. Gather ‘round for a rollicking good time, all about pirates! We’ll read books, sing songs, and enjoy a fun time together.
Night Owls
Book Club
We’re keeping with the “Oceans of Possibilities” summer reading program theme, reading “The Island of the Sea Women” by Lisa See. This intriguing historical novel is about female friendship and devastating family secrets on a small Korean island. Pick up a copy of the book at the library’s Information desk, then register on the Events tab of our website to join the virtual discussion on Monday, July 11, at 7:30 p.m.
Teen Volunteer Opportunities
Teens: gain valuable experience with GPL this summer, either hands-on at the library, or by creating videos, playlists, craft projects and more from home. See https://guilderlandlibrary.org/teenvolunteers/ to learn more.
GPL is closed on Sundays during July and August. The Guilderland Farmer’s Market is held in our upper parking lot Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. though Oct. 2, featuring 30 vendors.
Claude Monet: Obsessed with the Natural World
Indisputably, Claude Monet is one of the most recognized and celebrated figures in art history. Everyone loves his beautiful landscapes, colorful and dynamic depictions of modern life, and monumental garden scenes. In this virtual program on Wednesday, July 13, at 6 p.m., you’ll learn how this revered artist went from rejected outsider to groundbreaking icon of Modernism. Register on our website to receive the link.
Professional Genealogist Lisa Dougherty offers 1:1 family history consultations at the library on a monthly basis. Please contact Lisa directly at: [email protected] to schedule your appointment on Wednesday, July 15, between 6 to 8 p.m. Her website is: http://www.upstatenygenealogy.com.
Memoirs in
the Morning
For July, we’re reading “The Salt Path” by Raynor Winn – the true story of a couple who lost everything and embarked on a transformative journey walking the South West Coast Path in England. Please register on the Events tab of our website for the online meetup Wednesday, July 20, at 10:30 a.m. Can’t make it to our Zoom meeting? Look for the “Memoirs in the Morning” group on goodreads.com.
Computer Coach
Coach Robin is available to assist 1:1 with Apple technology or to help you craft a winning résumé with the Learning Express tool on our website. Reserve your in-person session with Robin on Friday, July 22, at 10 a.m. on the Events tab of our website.
— Luanne Nicholson