Looking for ideas on how to best care for our planet in your own backyard? Check out guilderlandlibrary.org/earthday2022. You’ll find a list of 25 things individuals and families can do, recommended Earth Day reads, and links to further information. We’ll also be streaming a selection of webinars from earthday.org on Friday, April 22, 10 am. to 2 p.m. Find out how you can make a tangible, positive difference for our environment, as an individual or as a family.
Dog Man Trivia
Kids in grades 1-5: think you’ve got the knowledge to conquer our Dog Man Trivia challenge? Prove it on Wednesday, April 27, at 6:30 p.m. over Zoom! Sign up on the Events tab of our website for several rounds of lively trivia and as a bonus, a fun Dog Man craft to pick up beforehand and complete during the program.
KidLit Writers / Illustrators Networking
Have you ever longed to be a children’s writer or illustrator, but don’t know how to start, get published, and/or find a supportive community? If so, “Getting to Know the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators 2022” on Friday, April 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. is for you!
We’ll chat via Zoom with published Young Adult author, Kimberly Sabatini, Assistant Regional Advisor for the SCBWI Eastern Up Chapter, and meet newer members too. This program is also beneficial for librarians, indie booksellers, teachers, parents, or passionate readers of KidLit, as we also share about our budding Read Local program. Sign up on the Events tab of our website.
Drug Take
Back Day
Not sure how to safely dispose of unused or expired medications, for humans or pets? Bring them to Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in our auxiliary parking lot (take Mercy Care Lane, then an immediate right). This is a confidential drive-through drop-off event; no need to leave your car, provide identification, or answer any questions.
Guilderland Public Library partners with the Guilderland Police Department on a semi-annual basis for Drug Take Back Day, a nationwide collaborative effort to discard unwanted controlled, non-controlled, and over the counter substances. In order to facilitate smooth traffic flow, please follow these guidelines:
– Put medications in a bag, if possible (with or without container) and remove any identifying labels
– Put bagged medications in a place that you can easily access while remaining in your vehicle, or place the bag in your trunk so an officer may retrieve it
-Drive through to the drop-off point and stay in your vehicle.
-Follow the officers’ instructions
– Sharps and syringes cannot be accepted
Planning a Successful Garden
It’s that time of year once again when gardening buffs dust off their tools and start to plan for growing season. As with anything else, knowledge is power, as opposed to the trial-and-error approach. Want to dig deeper? Attend our in-person program “Surprise! Popular Garden Plants that are Invasive and What to Plant Instead” on Wednesday, May, 4 at 6:30 p.m. Kate Brittenham of Front Stoop Pocket Gardens will advise us on choosing native plants that will thrive in our gardens while supporting local wildlife. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after the presentation. Please register on the Events tab of guilderlandlibrary.org.
Poetry Reading and Book Signing
Guilderland poet and frequent library workshop presenter Susan Comninos is the author of the just-published book, Out of Nowhere: Poems. On Sat. May 7 at 2:00 p.m, she will lead “The Creative Fires of Folklore: Poetry Reading and Book Signing,” followed by a discussion of the creative possibilities of leveraging a mystical symbol or repeating a line of Biblical verse. Come to the library for the reading and a chance to meet the poet author; stay for the discussion, if desired. Please register on the Events tab of our website.
General Info
Overdue fines have been eliminated at GPL; patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of lost items. Curbside pick up is available with 24-hours notice by calling 518-456-2400 ext. 2. Public computers for adults and children are available, and study rooms are partially open. Masks are recommended, but not required. Contact us at 518-456-2400 or [email protected]
— Luanne Nicholson