What led to the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine? What are the ramifications for these nations, and the entire world? We’ll take a deeper dive to explore some key considerations with this Zoom roundtable discussion on Monday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m. led by Kristin Bidoshi, Union College professor of Russian & Eastern European studies. After establishing historical context, we’ll explore the current geopolitical landscape and discuss current events on a humanitarian real-world level. Two Union College students, one from Ukraine and one from Russia, will also participate, followed by a Q & A session. Sign up for this timely event on the Events tab of guilderlandlibrary.org.
In-Person Programs Resume
We’re beginning to reintroduce in-person programming at GPL, while continuing with virtual program options. Among the in-person choices in April:
Storytimes – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. in our new Children’s Library, with limited availability. This fun-filled session, intended for infants through age 5 with an adult caregiver, features books, rhymes, music, and more. Please register only one person, noting how many from your group will attend in the Notes field. Since space is limited, please register for only one storytime per week, on the Events tab of guilderlandlibrary.org. If anyone in your group is not feeling well, please stay home and come back another time.
Genealogy with
Lisa Dougherty
Professional assistance researching your family tree will be available at the library on Wednesday, April 13, from 6 to 8 p.m. To schedule your customized appointment, please contact Lisa directly at: [email protected]. For general information, visit her website: http://www.upstatenygenealogy.com.
Virtual and In-Person Computer Coaching
We’ve added a second day and time for our popular 1:1 computer coaching sessions to meet demand. In addition to Monday night virtual sessions at 6:30 p.m., Coach Robin will meet with you in-person at the library Fridays at 11 a.m. to cover tips and tricks on your Apple device, or walk you through the Learning Express tool on our website to craft a winning résumé. Reserve your customized session on the Events tab of our website.
Night Owls Online
How do we hold on to hope? That’s the central question posed by Dr. Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams in their recent bestseller, “The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times.” Pick up a copy from us, then register on the Events tab of our website for the link to the virtual discussion on Monday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome!
Roadmap to Retirement
IRA planning mistakes are all too common and can put an investor’s retirement plans in jeopardy. This virtual seminar on Tuesday, April 12, at 6 p.m can help you avoid these common mistakes to make the most of your IRA (Investment Retirement Account) savings. We’ll focus on problem areas, including beneficiary designations, spousal inheritance options and IRA, Roth IRA and RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) issues. Register on our website for this informative Zoom session presented by Reid Prinzo, CFA, Bryant Asset Management in Slingerlands.
Seeking Board Candidates
Looking to weigh in on library decisions? We’re looking for you! The Guilderland Public Library Board of Trustees currently has four open seats for 2022: two five-year terms; and two one-year terms. Eligible candidates must be U.S. citizens, Guilderland Central School District residents, and at least 18 years of age. Completed paperwork is due by Mon. April 18 for the GPL board candidate and budget vote on Tuesday, May 17. For more information, please request an information packet at our circulation desk, or go to: https://bit.ly/GPL2022BoardCandidates.
General Information
Overdue fines have been eliminated at GPL; patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of lost items. Curbside pick up is available with 24-hours notice by calling 518-456-2400 ext. 2. Public computers for adults and children are available, and study rooms are partially open. Masks are recommended, but not required. Contact us at 518-456-2400 or [email protected].
— Luanne Nicholson