#GuilderlandPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
Get set for Kindergarten with this gentle introduction to your new and exciting adventure. Join us for a fun-filled program where you soon-to-be kindergarteners can hone your kindergarten-readiness skills and celebrate this important milestone! Two sessions to choose from: either Wednesday, Aug. 22 at 6 p.m., or Thursday, Aug. 23, at 10:30 a.m. Please sign up for only one.
This program is for children starting Kindergarten in Sept. 2018 and a parent/caregiver. To register, please call 518-456-2400 ext. 4
Last chance for Pop Ups tickets
Please, if you want to see the Pop Ups’ “The Great Pretenders Club” show at GPL on Friday, Aug. 10, at 2 p.m., stop by the Library today or tomorrow to make sure you can get a ticket.
Summer Reading Prize Pick-Up Day
Monday, Aug. 13, is the final day of our Summer Reading Program. Come any time between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. to check your points tally and pick up your prize and free books!
Learn how to prevent falls
Staying Safe at Home: Preventing Falls, being held at the Library on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at 11 a.m., is an important class you should attend. Why? Because the statistics are sobering: one in three adults over age 65 fall each year; for those age 80 and over, the risk increases to one out of two adults, or a full 50 percent. These falls often result in serious injuries and/or hospitalizations.
Surely you know someone who is within those age brackets.
Jennifer LaPorte, of Brookdale Senior Living in Niskayuna, will provide strategies for evaluating your risk, reducing the possibility of falling – through exercise and other means – and what to do if you experience a fall. It’s an important program for everyone, caregivers and loved ones alike! Please register by calling 518-456-2400, ext 3.
Cut Ties with the cable company
What can you do if you want to “cut the cable?” Come to our Cut the Cord class on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at 7 p.m. and you’ll find you have plenty of options.
You’ll learn that cable is not the only way to watch your favorite TV shows. Join us for a high-level but practical overview of the try-before-you-buy devices in our Cut the Cord circulating collection, and find out if severing that costly – and suddenly in the news – tie is right for you.
Update from the town supervisor
Come to the Library on Monday, Aug. 20, at 6:30 p.m. for a presentation by town Supervisor Peter Barber who will update you on several matters of interest to library users and town residents. Primarily, he would like to address the plan to build sidewalks on the south side of Western Avenue from SEFCU to the library.
He will also address the status of Mercy Care Lane, which will soon reopen clear through from Western Avenue to Winding Brook Drive. This means that if you exit the Library and want to go west on Western Avenue, you will be able to turn left down Mercy Care Lane, make a left on Winding Brook Drive, and then turn left onto Western Avenue protected by the traffic light. No more high-anxiety lefts from Mercy Care Lane onto traffic-choked Western Avenue.
Mr. Barber may also have early news on the development of the land immediately east of Winding Brook Drive.
Need Tech Help?
When you need tech help, who better to get it from than a teen? That’s why we have Teen Tech Volunteers here Tuesdays, Aug. 14, 21, and 28, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. No need to sign up, just come on in!
— Mark Curiale