#GuilderlandPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
Two-Time Grammy nominees, The Pop Ups bring their unique new show “The Great Pretenders Club” to the Guilderland Public Library on Friday, Aug. 10, at 2 p.m.. Tickets for this very popular event are available now, and must be picked up at the Library.
This interactive, high-energy show will transport you into a whimsical, educational world with Dancing Robots, a Fire-Stomping Rhino, Live-Drawing, Huge Balloons, Full Scale Puppets, even a Costume Party! The dance beats that will catapult both young and old out of their seats. You don’t want to miss it!
Tickets to this free event are available now, at the Library, and must be obtained by Monday, Aug. 6. There is a limit of six tickets per family.
Stone Necklaces & Pendants
Come to the Library on Monday, July 23, at 2 p.m., and make your own necklace or pendant from stone! Dave Muska, from Ondatra Adventures, will work with you to make it happen. You’ll also make cordage (rope) from natural fibers. This program is for those entering grades 7 through 12.
Please register by calling (518) 456-2400, ext. 4.
Rock Painting at Tawasentha Park
On Tuesday, July 24, at 3 p.m., meet us at Tawasentha Park where we will take advantage of the park’s natural beauty and create “rocking masterpieces.”
We will provide all the supplies you need to paint the stones and write inspirational words, which you can take home or scatter around the park to be discovered and enjoyed by future park-goers! This program is for teens in Grades 6 to 12 and adults.
Please register by calling (518) 456-2400, ext. 4.
Board of Trustees meeting
The Guilderland Public Library’s Board of Trustees will hold its Annual Meeting and regular monthly Business Meeting on Tuesday, July 24 starting at 6:30 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend, or to watch the meetings live on the Library’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Guilderland.Library.
Rock ‘n’ Roll with CMOST
The Children’s Museum of Science and Technology (CMOST) will “conduct” kids in grades 2 through 5 as they experiment with and then get to play all kinds of instruments. This all begins at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24. Kids will also be able to design their own unique instruments.
Please register by calling (518) 456-2400, ext. 4.
Animal Songs and Calls
In this program on Wednesday, July 25, at 2 p.m, you’ll learn about the many ways animals communicate. You’ll join the frog chorus, learn how to hoot like an owl, and participate in a coyote symphony. And you’ll meet some of the singers in person by studying live crickets. No registration necessary, just come on in.
— Mark Curiale