Sonny and Perley — the ever-popular musical performers — are doing a very special event here at the library on Monday, Jan. 30, at 5 p.m. They’re recording an album of live material, with you as their audience. You will be part of a live recording session.
This is a ticketed event, limited to 100 participants. Only four tickets per person. You can pick up tickets at the library’s information desk (call 456-2400, ext. 2 to reserve), but do so soon. Tickets are going fast.
Audiences and reviewers love this duo. The Poughkeepsie Journal noted, “Honest, straight-up music with no pretense. Sonny and Perley work their gifts and make their magic in front of and behind the microphone.” And Swingtime Magazine calls “Perley a supersongstress. She has a beautiful, smoky-low to middle-upper register voice, wonderful intonation, and stage presence. The sky is her limit.”
Don’t miss this delightful concert-recording event. Get your tickets today.
Escape the room
Do you and your friends have what it takes to escape the Guilderland Room? You’ll have only 45 minutes to find the clues that will help you solve the puzzles to earn you and your friends your freedom.
It all starts Friday, Jan. 13 — Friday the Thirteenth — at 4:30 p.m. Sessions then follow at 6 and 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Jan. 14, you can sign up for the 11 a.m., 12:30, 2 or 3:30 p.m. sessions. On Sunday, Jan. 15, there are sessions at 1:30 and 3 p.m.
To reserve your “escape,” please call 456-2400, ext. 2, or go to the Events & Registration Calendar at You can register as an individual, with a friend or two, or with a larger group. Each person in your group must register. Up to six people can play at a time. Please arrive on time for your session. This program is for teens and adults.
Blood drive
There is a blood drive at the library on Tuesday, Jan. 17, from 1 to 6 p.m. The American Red Cross has issued an emergency request for eligible blood and platelet donors. Your donation will give hope to hospital patients in our community, including accident victims, heart surgery patients and those receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease.
Please give. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can make an appointment by visiting, or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS.
Trustees meet
The library’s Board of Trustees will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Jan. 12, at 7 p.m.
MLK Holiday
The library will be closed Monday, Jan. 16, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
— Mark Curiale