LATHAM — The annual series of budget committee meetings to develop the Noth Colonie Central School District’s 2023-24 budget kicked off, focusing on mission-focused budgeting; executive budget proposal; and property tax cap on Monday, March 6.
The next three committee meetings will be held at the same time and location and the public is invited to attend. The schedule of meetings is as follows:
Monday, March 13: Facilities, Custodial, and Transportation Departments; Debt Service; Interfund Transfers
Monday, March 20: Instructional Technology & Technology Equipment, Smart Schools Bond Act
Wednesday, March 29: Staffing, Anticipated Building Enrollment, New Programs and Initiatives
The budget committee meeting on Monday, April 3, will be at 7 p.m., at Shaker Middle School and entails the proposed budget review, updated tax cap, property tax report card, approval of schedules. The board of education is expected to adopt the 2023-24 budget that evening as well.
The formal hearing on the budget is May 3.
The 2023-24 Budget Vote will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., at the District Office, 91 Fiddlers Lane, Latham. We will continue to update our Budget & Taxes webpage in the coming days and week