#ColoniePlanningBoard #SpotlightNews
COLONIE — The Planning Board approved two projects on Tuesday, Jan. 22: three office buildings on Century Hill Drive and a Stewart’s on Albany Shaker Road.
The developers of the land that was once home to the Hoffman’s Playland, was also introduced, via a preliminary sketch plan, to the board.
The three office buildings, which constitute Phase II of the Century Hill Plaza, are located between Route 9 and Route 87, just north of Exit 7, off Century Hill Plaza.
One four-story building will be 75,000-square-foot, another four-story building will be 66,688-square-foot and a third will be a 75,000-square-foot building standing three stories.
The board granted First Columbia concept acceptance to a plan earlier this year that included a different building configuration that totals 390,541 square feet of office space.
The current plan calls for steel framing and with a metal panel exterior and a flat roof not to exceed a height of 75 feet. The buildings and landscaping will look similar to the existing buildings constructed in Phase I.
Projections include the buildings being home to 1,083 employees, who will generate 321 new trips during the afternoon rush hour.
The 15-acre parcel of land is located within a Commercial Office zone. It was first proposed by First Columbia in 2010.
The board approved a plan to demolish the existing 2,315-square-foot Stewart’s at the intersection of Everett and Albany Shaker roads and construct a new 3,336-square-foot shop with six gas pumps.
There are two parcels of land, 406 and 410 Albany Shaker Road. The first is just under one half acre and is home to the existing Stewart’s. The second is 3.56 acres and is home to a two-story home, a garage and smaller out buildings.
The plan allows Stewart’s to adjust the lot lines, and 406 will now have 2.2 acres zoned Commercial Office Residential on which to build its new store. The other lot will be about 1.8 acres and the existing structures will remain, as will the Single Family Residential zoning.
Based on traffic formulas, the new store will add 21 trips to the afternoon rush hour.
Developers formally introduced a plan, that was initially made public in November 2018, for 200 units of senior housing and 30,000-sqare-foot of upscale retail shops and restaurants at the former Hoffman’s Playland on Route 9.
The 8.4-acre property would be divided in half, with the housing component in the back and the two-story high commercial building in the front, along Route 9.
The one senior housing building will be equally split between independent living units and assisted living units with parking underground.
The plan is to have an open courtyard between the two buildings for outdoor dining, entertainment and cultural events and community space.
The land is zoned Commercial Office Residential but the developers — Tom Burke, who owns several Dunkin’ Donut franchises and other properties, and Sage Life, a Pennsylvania-based company that owns and operates senior facilities in three states — are requesting a Planned Development District to accommodate more density than current zoning allows.
Once the PDD is approved by the Town Board, the developers say they will complete the steps to final approval with construction starting as soon as late fall.