#September11 #Memorial #SouthColonieHighSchool #JimFranco #SpotlightNews
COLONIE — The Blue Star Mothers of the Capital Region hosted a ceremony on the Hill of Heroes on Tuesday to mark the 17th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.
On that day, nearly 3,000 people died when al-Qaida flew high-jacked airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and during a fourth plane crash caused by passengers foiling an attempt on a third target in Washington DC.
Firefighters, police officers and other rescue workers continue to die from illnesses caused by burning chemicals those first responders breathed as they searched ground zero in Manhattan for survivors.
The Patriot Guard Riders of New York stood a flag line on top of the Hill of Heroes, located on the South Colonie High School campus, during the ceremony.
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