#ColonieTownLibrary #WilliamKSanfordTownLibrary #SpotlightNews
Monday, August 20
Summer Reading Review
Share your reviews of the best — and worst — books you’ve read this summer. Registration is required: online or call 518-810-0314.
Program starts at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 22
Reading Garden
Ice Cream Social
Enjoy a cone, scoop, or sundae in the reading garden (rain location inside the library will be clearly marked if needed). Drop in; no registration.
Starts at 2 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 24
Summer Reader’s Bash
at Danceland
You’ve jammed, discussed, crafted, and read your way through the summer — celebrate your accomplishments and party with new friends at our End of the Summer Bash starting a 6 p.m.
Enjoy pizza and treats during our awards dinner and a prize raffle drawing from 6 to 7 p.m.
Then, dance and party band The Reverberators will take us into the evening, showcasing a mix of popular tunes from the 50’s through the 00’s with their meticulously arranged, four part vocal harmonies and energetic performance style
Registration not required — but an RSVP is appreciated at www.colonielibrary.libcal.com Danceland is in Dollar General Plaza, 638 Columbia St., Latham.
Joe Nash
Colonie Library