Dear Editor,
After listening to the two candidates competing for one school board seat, I have come to the conclusion that the candidates are not equal – one is clearly more qualified, experienced and proven as an advocate for the students and taxpayers.
As a 40-year town resident, a 30-year district employee, and parent of two North Colonie graduates, I believe that an effective school board must aspire to do what is best for our students, and the taxpayers. The school board’s members must be objective and open-minded, and not in possession of a hidden agenda.
Many school board members have come and gone during my time in the district, and most, if not all, have had the right reasons for participating: to make a positive impact on the learning environment for the students in the district, to support an equitable working environment for the employees, and to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers.
We are very fortunate to live in a school district with a wonderful and diverse student body, a pool of high quality teachers and staff, and an administration that is forward thinking and preparing our children for the 21st century.
As voters, we have the opportunity to continue our tradition of excellence by choosing the candidate with the experience to represent all of our interests. Please take a few minutes to read up on the two school board candidates so that you are able to make an informed decision on Election Day, Tuesday, May 16.
I will be supporting Paula D’Orazio.
Linda Mancuso
North Colonie