MENANDS – On May 16, the Menands School District will present to voters an $8.5 million budget that will increase the tax levy by 1.81 percent and increase spending by about $211,000.
The budget represents an estimated additional $47.47 per year for a home assessed at $100,000, said Kathy Pietek, the district treasurer.
State aid was reduced by about $82,500, with the majority of that, $54,900, due to charter school transition aid expiring. On the expenditure side, capital payments will decrease by about $8,000 a year.
The majority of the increased spending, $161,954, is for programs, or teaching and instruction, computer services, guidance/health services, co-curricular/athletics, special education and transportation. A little more than $54,000 of the increase in spending will go towards administrative costs.
The budget also takes $815,000 out of the fund balance, which is $25,000 more than last year.
Twenty percent of the budget for the K-8 school district remains for tuition and transportation so high school age students living in Menands can attend either North or South Colonie, Watervliet or Green Island for grades 9 through 12.
“I am pleased with what we as a district and a board were able to accomplish for our students and our community despite a decrease in state funding compounded with the uncertainty of not having an on time state budget,” said Superintendent Maureen Long.
There will be a public hearing on the budget on Monday, May 8, at 5:30 p.m. in the Menands school library.
Also on the ballot this year, John Diefenderfer is running for one open seat on the Board of Education. He was appointed to fill a vacancy in 2015.
Voters will also weigh in on the $138,500 budget for the Menands library.
Polls are open on May 16 from noon to 9 p.m. at the Menands School located at 19 Wards Lane.