The library would like to thank voters for approving the $4.75 million budget levy for 2023-24 in May.
This spending plan allows the library to continue to invest in physical and electronic resources, while making adjustments for expected increases in energy costs, personnel needs and building maintenance over the coming year.
Voters also re-elected incumbents Mark Kissinger and Caroline Brancatella to five-year terms on the board of trustees. The library’s board meetings take place on the second Monday of the month at 6pm and are always open to the public.
What’s cooking?
Food and memories go hand in hand. Everyone has that favorite meal that reminds them of friends and family – whether it be a holiday specialty, a comforting staple, or one of Aunt Beth’s oddball dishes that sound awful but taste delicious.
Join fellow cooking enthusiasts Thursday, June 8, at 6 p.m. to share your special family recipes. Whether it’s from a cookbook, the back of a soup can, passed down through generations or something you invented, come prepared to share at least one recipe with others. (No cooking necessary.)
This program is open to all ages. Please bring a legible copy of your recipe that is ready to be copied and shared. It can be on a notecard, letter-sized paper, or be e-mailed prior to the program. Visit our calendar at to sign up.
Pop-Up Library at Farmers Market
Look for us out and about at the Delmar Farmers Market Saturdays, June 3 and 17, with even more days in July and August.
Stop by our table to explore some popular new titles, learn more about what we do, or just to say hi.
The Farmers Market is held in the parking lot of Bethlehem Central Middle School. For more information about the market, visit
Thursdays in the Park
The library has once again teamed up with Bethlehem Town Parks and Recreation to offer a family-friendly series of events every Thursday at 6 p.m. through August 17. Shows will take place at Elm Avenue Park unless noted. This series is co-sponsored by Friends of Bethlehem Public Library and Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation Department. All ages welcome!
Coming up in June:
• June 15: Circus on a String
• June 22: Jester Jim
• June 29: GB-Five (at South Bethlehem Park)
Stories and a craft
We added three additional story times to our June calendar that also feature a fun craft. These story times take place on a Thursday at 10 a.m. They are recommended for ages 3 and up. Registration is required. Visit our calendar at to sign up.
June 8: Get Hopping! Story Time and Craft
Enjoy a RIBBETING frog-themed story time and craft, where we’ll make origami frogs that jump.
June 15: Bumblebee Story Time and Craft
Join us for a buzzing story time and bee-autiful craft.
June 22: Seashells Story Time and Craft
Join us for a seashell-themed story time and craft decorating seashells.