Local man arrested After State Police investigation
DELMAR – On Tuesday,May 4, State Police, with the assistance of the Troop G Computer Crimes Unit, the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce, arrested Jason Sammon, 39, of Bethlehem for promoting a sexual performance of a child and possessing of a sexual performance by a child, both felonies.
Sammon is accused of promoting and possessing images consistent with child sexual exploitation. His arrest followed an investigation and the execution of a search warrant at his home in Albany earlier in the day. The investigation stemmed from a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Sammon was arrested, processed, and was arraigned at the Bethlehem Town Court. He was sent to the Albany County jail in lieu of $5,000 cash, a $15,000 bond, or a $20,000 partially secured bond.
Felony Assault in Ravena
RAVENA -On Monday, May 3, at 7:30 a.m. Coeymans police responded to a report of an injured female on Route 9W in the Village.
When police arrived, they located a 27-year-old female subject who stated she was assaulted. The victim was transported to Albany Medical Center Hospital for treatment of broken bones, lacerations and bruising.
After an investigation, Coeymans police arrested James Lawson, 34, of Ravena for assault, a felony, and strangulation and Menacing, both misdemeanors. He was processed and arraigned in front of Coeymans Town Justice Linda Eissing and released on $1,500 bail pending further court action.
Motorcycle thefts
RAVENA – Coeymans Police received a report of a storage unit being burglarized on Route 9W and the theft of two off-road motorcycles on Monday, May 4 at approximately 1:00 a.m. A notice was broadcast and a State Police patrol unit observed two subjects in possession of one of the motorcycles.
Both subjects were placed in custody and returned to the Town of Coeymans where an investigation determined that the two, an 18-year-old male and Blaine Hopkins, 21, both of Ravena, broke into the storage unit causing damage and stole both motorcycles.
They were both charged with grand
Larceny,a felony, criminal trespass, and criminal mischief 4 th degree, both misdemeanors. Both motorcycles were recovered.
Both subjects were arraigned in front of Coeymans Town Justice Linda Eissing and released pending further court action.
contempt in Coeymans
COEYMANS – On Sunday, April 30 at approximately 4:50 p.m. Albany County Sheriff’s Deputies observed a Vehicle with an expired inspection sticker leave the Cumberland Farms on Route 9W and performed a traffic stop.
Upon interviewing and checking the identification of the driver, Kevin Jones, 58, of Troy and his passenger, the deputy found that the passenger was wanted for grand larceny in the City of Troy, but Troy police could not find the hard copy of the warrant, so could not take him.
But Jones was issued a full-stay away order for the passenger out of the Schenectady County Court. Jones was also wanted by Troy police, but they were too busy to come get him.
Deputies arrested and charged Jones with criminal contempt, a felony, because he violated the order three times before.
He was processed and arraigned by Coeymans Town Judge Thomas Frese and released on probation. He is scheduled back in court on May 18.
Warrant at Thatcher park
NEW SCOTLAND – An Albany County Sheriff’s patrol observed a blue Subaru trespassing in the observation lot at Thatcher Park on Tuesday, May 2 at approximately 9:02 p.m.
While interviewing the driver and the passenger, Jordan Morris, 28, of Rotterdam, the passenger said he did not have identification and gave the name of James. When the name did not return any results, the deputy again requested a real name. Morris was evasive but did give his real name and, after an investigation, it was found he was wanted by the City of Schenectady.
Morris was processed and turned over to Schenectady police.
Bench warrant at Price Chopper
SLINGERLANDS – A Schenectady woman was identified by Price Chopper loss prevention employees to be in the store shopping and was known to them from previous larcenies throughout the Capital Region on Saturday, May 6 and called police.
When Bethlehem police arrived they found Kimberly Allen, 54, still in the store and identified her before the final point of sale. A check of her identification showed she had an outstanding warrant from the City of Albany.
She was processed and turned over to Albany police at South Station.
DWI on Walden Fields
DELMAR – Bethlehem police observed a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado traveling 51 miles per hour on Elsmere Avenue in a 35 mile per hour zone on Monday, May 8 at 1:04 a.m. and performed a traffic stop.
Upon interviewing the driver, a 27-year-old man from Delmar, officers observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath and that he had bloodshot, droopy and watery eyes. The man said he had one beer prior to driving.
The man was given and failed field sobriety tests and tested positive for breath alcohol on a pre-screening device. He was taken into custody and at the police station provided a breath sample that returned a .21 percent BAC.
The man was charged with aggravated DWI and ticketed for speeding.
He was given an appearance ticket for Bethlehem Town Court on May 18.