Join the conversation
Scams, frauds and hoaxes cost consumers and businesses time and billions of dollars each year. On Friday, April 28, an educator from the NYS Division of Consumer Protection will join us as part of our Coffee and Conversation series to share strategies to address the harms from identity theft and prevent victimization.
Coffee & Conversation programs are free and open to everyone. They begin at 1 p.m. and last about 60 minutes. The series is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc.
Go on an
Show your love for the 2023 Library Expedition with some cool swag at the online store. Visit to see what’s available.
What’s a Library Expedition, you ask? It’s a self-guided tour of all the libraries in the Upper Hudson Library System. Grab your friends and get ready for an epic road trip to find out what makes each one so special. Get your map stamped at each location and earn prizes like stickers, car magnets, enamel pins and more when you reach certain milestones. We’ve even got something special for second-time 36ers.
Expedition maps are available at all UHLS libraries. Visit for details.
2023-24 budget and election
Bethlehem Public Library has a proposed budget of $4.73 million for the 2023-24 fiscal year. The levy portion of the budget comes in at about $4.4 million, a 2.18 percent increase over last year and within the state-mandated spending cap.
A detailed budget chart and letter from the Board of Trustees are included in the May/June issue of the Footnotes newsletter, which will be mailed April 24, and available online at
There are two trustee seats on the ballot, held by incumbents Mark Kissinger and Caroline Brancatella, who are both seeking re-election.
A Meet the Candidates night will be held Wednesday, May 3, at 6 p.m., and the Board of Trustees will hold a public budget review at their Monday, May 8, meeting, which begins at 6 p.m.
Bethlehem Central School District residents will vote on the budget Tuesday, May 16, from 7 a.m.-9 p.m. at Bethlehem Central High School.
Friends Book Sale Fundraiser
The used book sale you’ve been waiting for is almost here. Stock up on some new-to-you books and DVDs at the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library’s Pop-Up Book Sale on the library plaza Saturday, May 20 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For sale will be books and other materials that have been removed from the library collection and are in excellent condition. Many are duplicate copies of popular titles, and large print titles will be available.
Pricing is cash-only by suggested donation; the Friends will not be able to make change.
Enjoy some live music while you shop, with performers scheduled for 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Kristen Roberts