To the Editor;
The CORRUPT Justice Center Must Not be Funded in the Budget – It Must be Shut Down
Everyone needs to know the truth about the State abuse hotline for people with disabilities located in Delmar. The wrongfully titled Justice Center, which is not a Justice Center, is located at 161 Delaware Avenue across from the Delaware Plaza. Close to 8,000 calls are reported from all over New York State to this abuse hotline every month and 11-13 deaths every day and almost every reported crime and death is kept from local police, county coroners, as well as from county elected DA’s.
The top NY state court ruled in March of 2021 that the Justice Center is operating unconstitutionally by keeping reported crimes against the disabled from 62 county elected district attorneys. These are illegal practices that clearly obstruct justice. Yet, still, to date, most reported crimes to the Justice Center abuse hotline and death hotline continue to be withheld from county DA’s so that they cannot be prosecuted, but instead easily covered-up.
I have made numerous EMERGENCY requests to Governor Hochul to defund and shut down this state agency that is operating illegally that is under her direct authority. The wide-scale Discrimination in Civil Rights against our most vulnerable of denying them their NYS and US Constitutional rights to equal protections of laws will continue if Governor Hochul fails to act now. The corrupt Justice Center is clearly a cover-up entity that protects most sexual predators and abusers – NOT people with special needs.
Michael Carey
of the Jonathan Carey Foundation –
Whistle-blower, as well as Civil Rights
and Disability Rights Advocate
– Delmar, NY