UHLS cardholders have access to even more e-books
Can’t find what you’re looking for in our e-collection? Bethlehem cardholders, as well as others in the Upper Hudson Library System, now have access to e-books and audiobooks from three partner libraries: Mid-Hudson Library System, Mohawk Valley Library System, and Southern Adirondack Library System.
This is a boon for readers looking for uncommon titles or additional books in a series they are working through.
To access these other collections, open your Libby app and go to the menu. Once there, select “Add Library.” You will be prompted to search for a library. Enter any of our partner library systems mentioned above. Tap “Sign In With My Card.” Under “Partner Libraries” select Upper Hudson Library System and sign in.
Need help getting this new service? Ask one of our librarians at the Information Desk or give us a call at 518-439-9314.
A day for creativity
Let’s hear it for leftovers! We’re cleaning out our craft supplies, and you won’t believe all the cool stuff we have collected. Drop by the Children’s Place Friday, April 7, for a Craftapalooza, where you can get creative with all those odds and ends. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Steamboats on the Hudson
The Hudson River was yesteryear’s Thruway. Steamboats dominated Hudson River travel after Robert Fulton’s North River (the Clermont) traveled from New York City to Albany in 1807 in a record 32 hours. On Wednesday, April 12, at 7 p.m. local Historian Mark Peckham will share the fascinating history of the steamboats that navigated the Hudson River during the 19th and mid 20th centuries.
Registration for this program is not required, but is advised due to limited seating. Click here to sign up. This series of historical talks is presented through a partnership with the Town of Bethlehem Historical Association. Visit our calendar at bethlehem.librarycalendar.com to sign up.
Earth Day out and about
Calling all Earth Day explorers! The library is teaming up with the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy for a special Earth Day celebration at the new Fisher Trail, a part of Five Rivers Environmental Education Center. Join us Friday, April 21, at 10 a.m. and enjoy some stories followed by a fun nature hike. This event is geared to children 7 and under and their families. Registration is required and space is limited. Sign up at www.mohawkhudson.org/events
April flowers
The library has been selected to receive $1 from every Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold during the month of April 2023 at 180 Delaware Ave. location in Delmar. The program, which launched in August 2021, is a way for shoppers to give back to their community. Each “Bloomin’ 4 Good” bouquet with the red circle sticker sold supports a non-profit local to the Hannaford store in which it is purchased.