Did you know that pretend play helps children think symbolically and develop oral language skills? As children play store or pretend to be an animal, they talk about what they are doing and practice putting thoughts into words.
We believe toys and other learning activities are an important part of early literacy, and that’s why we make sure they’re available to our littlest patrons in the Children’s Place. We’ve recently added some fun new items, like a pint-sized grocery store, so be sure to schedule a play date at the library soon to check them out. The Children’s Place is a comfortable, welcoming place where children and their caregivers can spend some time connecting with others.
While you’re here, don’t forget to browse all of the amazing picture books on our shelves so you and your child can bring a favorite story or two home with you.
Story times, more
For more early literacy opportunities for your toddlers, swing by one of our weekly story times.
Our Baby Bounce & Books for babies and toddlers up to age 35 months is a great way to introduce your child to a lifelong love of reading. These sessions take place every Tuesday through Dec. 20 at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Family Story Times are held Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. through Dec. 22. You and your child, ages 0-6, can enjoy stories, songs and more together at the library.
Coming up on Friday, Dec. 9, at 10 a.m., we’ll be hosting a special Sensory Story Time featuring traditional story time components with sensory elements ideal for children who would benefit from a more low-key story time. For ages 2 and up with a caregiver. Visit our online calendar at bethlehem.librarycalendar.com to sign up.
Story times will resume in January and currently take place in the Community Room. They are open on a first-come basis, except for Sensory Story Time, which requires registration. All abilities are welcome. No signup is required unless noted. There may be a limited capacity for each session. When Bethlehem schools are closed or delayed, all story times are cancelled.
— Kristen Roberts