Where did the summer go? We bet you were too busy reading to notice that we’re almost halfway through August! Just a reminder, our Summer Reading challenge wraps up Friday, Aug. 19. That is the final day to log your books, complete challenge activities and get raffle tickets. Prizes can still be picked up until Sept. 2 and raffle prizes for the adult program will be drawn during the week of Aug. 22 with winners notified by e-mail.
Summer Reading celebration
As our Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading challenge comes to an end, we’ll be celebrating our accomplishments with music and dancing for all ages.
We’re hosting two family-friendly performances Friday, Aug. 19, with Rick Bedrosian from Hair of the Dog and Hey Jude. Enjoy classics by the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel and more as we groove on the Green with this celebrated local musician.
Concerts will take place at 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Concerts will take place on the Green, so bring a chair or blanket to get comfortable. In the event of bad weather, concerts will move inside to the Community Room.
Bedrosian has been a full-time, professional musician since 1973. Throughout his career, he has worked on stage and in recording studios with many well known performers, including Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Summer hours reminder
For the month of August, the library is closed for in-person use on Friday evenings from 6-9 p.m. Curbside pickup is available, however, from 6-8:30 p.m. Please note, the library is closed Sundays in July and August. You can access the library catalog and other library services online anytime at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org.
Bethlehem Public Library will be closed for the Labor Day holiday Saturday-Monday, Sept. 3-5. Regular Sunday hours resume Sept. 11.
Library of Things
Have you checked out our Library of Things recently? New things are being added all the time to this innovative collection supported by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
With the Library of Things, you can borrow the tools you need to explore a new hobby, experience nature, play a game, be a do-it-yourselfer, investigate new technology, and so much more! We have dozens of “things” to check out, so you don’t have to invest in pricey goods that may only get used once or twice.
Make some music with our ukuleles, keyboards, guitar effects pedals and drum kits. Be handy around the house with the laser level, car code reader and home inspection kit. Or try out entertainment devices like the Nintendo Switch, karaoke machines, board games, VR headsets and more. We’ve also got camcorders, Wi-Fi hotspots and Chromebooks, along with telescopes, trail cameras, fishing poles and binoculars. And all of these “things” are just the tip of the iceberg!
Visit www.bethlehemlibrary.org /borrow/library-of-things or pick up a brochure at the library to see a complete list of what’s available. Most items in the Library of Things collection are requestable and can be borrowed for two weeks at a time with your library card.
— Kristen Roberts