You’ve heard that a picture’s worth a thousand words, but sometimes certain objects can be too. Join authors Kate McCarroll Moore and Linda MacRitchie Graf Saturday, July 16, as they use personal artifacts to tell a story. Each author has used objects that have hidden stories in their work, and they are inviting participants to bring their own artifacts from home and explore those stories together.
This program will take place at 11 a.m. on the library Green but will move inside in inclement weather. A book sale and signing will follow.
Graf is a local artist and educator who has been helping her students flex their creative muscles since 1974. She is the author of “Treasure in the Trunk: A Wordless Picture Book.”
Moore teaches online writing courses and is a book coach for a non-profit organization that connects low-income families with access to high quality books. Her latest book of poetry, “Avians of Mourning,” was released in 2020. She is also the author of “Elinormal” and “New Girl: The Further Adventures of Elinormal” for middle grade readers.
Summer hours
The library is closed Sundays in the months of July and August. You can access the library catalog and other library services online anytime at
Get to know Goodreads
Goodreads is the world’s largest website for readers and book recommendations. Join us for a crash course Friday, July 8, at 10 a.m. over Zoom where we’ll show you how this website can help you track the books you’re reading, have read, and want to read. You can even use Goodreads to set yearly reading goals, interact with other readers, read reviews and check out personalized book recommendations.
Visit our calendar at for more information or to sign up.
Fine-free borrowing at the library
It’s finally here! The library is officially fine free. We no longer charge fines for overdue books and other media. Replacement fees and charges for lost or damaged items still apply, and fines of $1 per day for Library of Things items and ILL, as well as $5 per day for museum passes and Wi-Fi hotspots, remain. For more information, visit
Park performances for all ages
The library has once again teamed up with Bethlehem Town Parks and Recreation to offer a family-friendly series of events every Thursday at 6:30pm through August 18. Shows will take place at Elm Avenue Park unless noted. This series is co-sponsored by Friends of Bethlehem Public Library and Friends of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation Department.
For information about upcoming shows, visit
— Kristen Roberts