Celebrate warmer days with some cool craft tutorials from Creativebug, an online resource for Bethlehem cardholders that provides thousands of high-quality, on-trend arts and crafts instructional videos.
Learn how to hand-sew some cute farm animal finger puppets, craft an intricate fairy bubble wand, crochet an easy breezy tank top and so much more with step-by-step instructional videos. You will need your library card to start an account so you can revisit past projects or pick up where you left off on a current one. New classes are added daily. To see what you can do at Creativebug, visit www.creativebug.com/lib/bethlehemlibrary.
Book a space
at the library
Public groups can request to reserve meeting space in the library’s Community Room and Board Room free of charge. At this time, requests can be made up to 6 months in advance through our online reservation system. When patrons request a room, they agree to the terms and conditions of our meeting room policy.
To see what’s available, visit bethlehem.librarycalendar.com/reserve-room.
Groups booking rooms at the library are required to follow any health and safety rules that apply to the library as a whole. Currently, masks are strongly encouraged, and food and drink, as well as use of the Community Room kitchen, are allowed. Please be aware that this situation could change with little notice.
Study rooms inside the library are available on a first-come basis for one hour at a time. Stop by the Information Desk next time you visit to see what’s available.
Ladies of the Revolution
We’ll be getting crafty at our upcoming Coffee and Conversation Friday, May 20, at 1 p.m. At the Remember the Ladies program, we’ll be learning about some of the Revolutionary heroines whose spunk and spirit left a mark on U.S. history. Stories about their adventures will be shared by a presenter in 18th Century clothing. After hearing these amazing tales, you’ll be invited to choose from assorted materials to craft miniature paper-backed portraits of your favorite trio. Visit our online calendar at bethlehem.librarycalendar.com to sign up.
Book sale benefits Friends
It’s almost here! The Friends of Bethlehem Public Library’s Book Sale Fundraiser will be held on the library plaza this Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22, from noon-4 p.m. For sale will be books and other materials that have been removed from the library collection and are in excellent condition. Many are duplicate copies of popular titles, and large print titles will be available.
Enjoy some live music while you shop on Saturday, with guitarist Warren Sieme playing familiar tunes for families from noon-1 p.m., and jazz trumpeter Steve Lambert and guitarist Joe Finn performing from 2-3 p.m.
Pricing is cash-only by suggested donation; the Friends will not be able to make change.
Memorial Day closing
Bethlehem Public Library will be closed Memorial Day weekend Saturday-Monday, May 28-30.
— Kristen Roberts