BETHLEHEM — Several clubs at the Bethlehem Central High School with support from its Social Studies department are sponsoring a collection drive to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Poland.
Every school in the district will have collection boxes at their respective front entrances. Families can send items into school with students or drop them off separately.
The focus is on priority items as listed below. No food or clothing is being collected at this time. The items will be delivered locally to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Watervliet each week.
The items will then be shipped to Ukraine, Poland, and other areas in need.
Items sought for the collection drive include medical supplies, such as bandages, antibacterial wipes, burn cream, antifungal cream, neck braces, CPR masks, disposable gloves, emergency blankets, gauze, hydrocortisone cream, backpacks 10x19x14 and first aid kits.
Other items include sleeping supplies, such as tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads,, bedsheets, thin thermal blankets and pillowcases.
Personal hygiene products and baby supplies are also in demand. the collection drive will accept shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, bar soap, lotion, tampons/pads and chapstick. baby supplies in demand also include diapers, wipes, powder, infant formula, baby wash and baby food
The collection drive will also collect miscellaneous items that include duct tape, Ziploc bags, garbage bags, flashlights without batteries, Sharpie markers and scissors.