Our seed library has returned with a variety of open-pollinated vegetables, herbs and some flowers. Seed packets will be located behind the Information Desk. You can choose up to 10 seed packets per household.
Also returning this year is our online “shopping” portal that makes it easy for you to select your seeds for pickup. The online portal is available exclusively to Bethlehem cardholders through the end of March, after which it will be open to everyone. On our seed library webpage, you’ll be able to browse different categories and learn more about the varieties through links to the Hudson Valley Seed Co., where our seeds are sourced from. Visit www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org to get started ordering your seeds online. We’ll be in touch with you when your seeds are ready to be picked up.
Seed libraries like ours support sustainability and food security by allowing the community free access to the means of growing their own food.
Make it a museum day
Chilly days are made for museums, and we’ve got your ticket!
Check out our huge collection of individual and family passes to dozens of regional museums, including Albany Institute of History and Art, the Children’s Museum at Saratoga, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, MASS MoCA, Hildene, Olana State Historic Site, and more for free.
Museum passes may be borrowed for three days and are available first-come, first-served; there are no requests or renewals. Please be sure to check museum websites for hours and current exhibit information, as well as any ticket reservation requirements. Some museums may ask you to show your library card with your pass when you arrive.
Visit www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/about-us/friends-of-bethlehem-public-library/museum-pass-program to view the collection. Our museum pass collection is generously supported by the Friends of Bethlehem Library.
Celebrating women in rock
While the advent of rock ‘n’ roll is credited to a handful of well-known male performers, we will celebrate Women’s History Month at our Listening Party Thursday, March 17, by hearing a few of the hundreds of forgotten women who had careers performing, recording and contributing to the earliest days of rock ‘n’ roll. The discussion begins at 7 p.m. Visit our calendar at bethlehem.librarycalendar.com to sign up.
Storm and ice warning
In the event of inclement weather, the library’s telephone system will provide information on a closing or delayed opening. Call ahead at (518) 439-9314 if you are unsure. Information may also be available on our website at bethlehempubliclibrary.org.
Your library on YouTube
Visit our YouTube channel to watch our monthly board meetings live, learn more about library services – including tutorials for using our library app or making a Creativebug account, explore some DIY crafts with our librarians, and enjoy recordings of past programs. Programs are organized into playlists by theme, making it easier to find what you are looking for. Search YouTube for our channel or click through from our website to see what’s available.
—Kristen Roberts