You can never have too many tote bags. It’s good to keep them on hand at home, in the car, and at the office for all those spur-of-the-moment outings (like a trip to the library). With their simple straight seams, they’re also a perfect sewing project for beginners.
One of our staffers recently whipped up a trio of totes using a video tutorial from Creativebug, an online crafting resource available to Bethlehem cardholders. The verdict: super easy, and the sky’s the limit when it comes to color and print combinations. Ready to get started on your own? Visit and search for “Market Tote Bag.” You will need your library card to create a free Creativebug account.
Creativebug provides thousands of additional high-quality, on-trend arts and crafts instructional videos on drawing, painting, sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, baking and more – all taught by experts.
Libby reminder
The Libby app makes it easy to borrow OverDrive e-books, audiobooks and magazines to read on your smartphone or tablet. With your library card and the app, you have access to OverDrive’s extensive digital collection.
Libby is compatible with all major computers and devices, iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets and Chromebooks. Through Libby, you can also send titles to your Kindle. All titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period and there are no late fees. Readers can also download titles onto Libby for offline use.
Earlier this year, OverDrive discontinued their legacy app to focus on Libby. Are you struggling with the transition from the OverDrive app to Libby? We’ll help with your questions and concerns, and show you how to navigate the Libby app at one of two programs scheduled for Friday, March 11, and Friday, March 18, at 10 a.m.
Trustee candidates
Candidate petition packets are available online at
— Kristen Roberts
or in-person at the Information Desk.
Petitions will need at least 51 signatures of voters residing in the Bethlehem Central School District. Petitions must be filed with the District Clerk, Bethlehem Central High School, 700 Delaware Ave., Delmar by 5 p.m. on April 18. The election will be held Tuesday, May 17.