#LetterToTheEditor #YourVoice #SpotlightNews
Dear Editor:
In some elections the voters are given clear choices between qualified candidates, those who have the experience, temperament and training to deal with complex issues and multi-million-dollar budgets, and those who don’t. Between candidates who are interested in listening to the thoughts and suggestions of citizens, and who have the potential to actually do something about the problems that we face, and candidates whose primary expertise lies in their ability to complain. This November, the citizens of Bethlehem face just such a choice.
Our town is experiencing the difficult challenges that come from growth and change. How do we manage the process of growth and also preserve the atmosphere of peace and quiet, the beauty of our surroundings, and the friendliness of our neighborhoods? How do we protect all the things that we cherish about Bethlehem, the very qualities that keep us from being “just another suburb”?
No individual has all the answers but I think that Dan Coffey, the Democratic candidate for election to the Town Board, has the experience and commitment necessary to help us make intelligent and workable decisions about the numerous growth issues that Bethlehem faces. Dan has spent close to a decade learning about all areas of Bethlehem and has extensive knowledge of State and local laws relating to zoning and planning. He knows firsthand that merely worrying about the loss of open space, increased traffic, and other issues won’t be sufficient, and that we need a coherent approach to land conservation that also respects the rights and concerns of landowners. The experience that he brings to the table will be crucial as our community works to update the 2005 Comprehensive Plan in a way that supports the growth of our local business community without sacrificing Bethlehem’s unique qualities.
We can either do the difficult thinking and talking about the changes that we face, and try to guide the evolution of our community, or we can sit back and let uncontrolled development determine what Bethlehem is like in 10 or 15 years. Dan Coffey has the necessary skills, background, training and experience that Bethlehem needs if we are to preserve what should be preserved while we grow intelligently and thoughtfully. I respectfully and enthusiastically urge your support for his election to the Town Board.
Wendy Jordan,