#BethlehemPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
A well-loved home can get a little cluttered over the years. If you’ve been thinking about downsizing, it can be hard to know where to begin when sorting through all of those accumulated items and memories. During the Friday, Sept. 28 Coffee and Conversation, “Organizing for Downsizing,” a representative from Organize Senior Moves will discuss how to prepare your home and belongings for a move to a smaller space.
The Coffee and Conversation series is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc., and programs are free and open to everyone. Programs begin at 1 p.m. and last about 60 minutes with a coffee and social hour following.
Two wheels, will travel
Bethlehem is a bicycle-friendly community with some really great green spaces to enjoy and explore, and we want you to join us as we do just that on a “slow roll,” or leisurely paced community bicycle ride on Saturday, Sept. 29. The all ages and abilities ride begins at the library at 11 a.m. and will meander over to the Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail and back, wrapping up with some refreshments and crafts. Ride with us and discover an easy and fun way to get from the Rail Trail to the library!
Please note that an earlier 10-mile ride originally scheduled has been cancelled.
Local Author Book Fair
On Sunday, Sept. 30, we are celebrating our area writers with a Local Author Book Fair headlined by award-winning audiobook narrator George Guidall, whose keynote address kicks off the event at 1 p.m.
Guidall, an acclaimed and prolific narrator, has lent his voice to classics like “Crime and Punishment,” “The Iliad,” “Don Quixote” and more. In addition to his award-winning work as an audiobook narrator, Guidall has enjoyed a career in theater, including starring rolls on Broadway. He will talk about the process of turning a written art form into a spoken one.
The book fair, where you can browse works for sale and chat with the authors, follows from 2 to 4 p.m.
Costume swap time
Got an outgrown costume or one in good condition that you just aren’t using? Trade it for one that’s new to you at Bethlehem Public Library’s Costume Swap. Drop off your gently used costume(s) between Monday, Oct. 1, and Thursday, Oct. 18, and receive a ticket to pick out a different one on the day of the swap, which takes place Friday, Oct. 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. Repurpose those outgrown get-ups and save some money while you’re at it. The library is accepting costumes in all sizes – from infant to adult. Please note that the library can’t guarantee fit or selection. You can drop off a costume even if you’re not interested in choosing a new one. Once donated, costumes cannot be returned; remaining costumes will be donated.
Check mates
Do you know a kid who loves to play chess or wants to learn how? Tell them to sign up for one of our Tuesday Chess Club sessions. At Chess Club, teen volunteers play chess with school-age children of all experience levels. Upcoming Chess
Clubs will be held Oct. 2 and 23, with sessions at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Additional sessions are scheduled for November and December. Sign up for one timeslot per night at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org.
Other upcoming events
All events are free and take place at Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar. For more information, call 518-439-9314 or visit bethlehempubliclibrary.org.
Friday, Sept. 28
Video Editing
Take Adobe Premiere Elements for a test drive and try some basic video editing, 4 to 4:45 p.m. For grades 6-12. Sign up online or call.
Sunday, Sept. 30
Knit One Purl One
If you’re an experienced knitter, bring your current project. If you’re a beginner, bring size 8 knitting needles; we’ll provide yarn and get you started, 2 to 3 p.m. For adults, teens and kids age 9 and up.
Monday, Oct. 1
Introduction to Facebook
Find out what Facebook is all about and how to use it, 10 a.m.-noon. For adults new to Facebook. Sign up for one session.
Fun and Games for Grownups
An adults-only gathering where you can play games, including chess, and socialize, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Snacks served!
— Kristen Roberts