#BethlehemPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
Get ready to kick up your heels and dance a jig at the next performance in the Evenings on the Green concert series this Wednesday, July 18. The band Craic Agus Ceol, whose name means “fun and music” in Gaelic, will play Irish folk with some popular tunes thrown into the mix beginning at 7 p.m.
The following Wednesday, July 25, the accordions are the stars of the show as the Squeeze Play Accordion Band performs from a variety of musical genres.
Bring a blanket or lawn chair, pick a spot on the Green, and get ready to listen to some great music. Concerts are always free, appropriate for all ages, and they take place every Wednesday through Aug. 8. Pick up a flyer or visit our website at bethlehempubliclibrary.org for times and details. Concerts will move indoors if it rains.
New ‘Things’
Host your own backyard movie under the stars using one of the library’s new portable wireless digital projectors, which are now available to borrow from our Library of Things. Turn a blank wall or a bedsheet into your movie screen, pop some popcorn and enjoy the show. Each projector comes with a power adapter, HDMI and AV cords, as well as a remote control and user’s manual. They can be used indoors too!
Switch things up
Attention, gamers! We’ve just added Nintendo Switch games to our collection, and there are tons of new titles for you to try out. Go on a “Super Mario Odyssey” or immerse yourself in the land of Hyrule in “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” We’ve got racing games, Lego games, sports games and more. And coming soon, we’ll be loaning out the Switch consoles themselves.
Share your expertise
We are still looking for people willing to share their specials skills at our How-To Festival on Saturday, Aug. 4. From noon to 2 p.m., artisans and instructors will demonstrate their trades — from blacksmithing to yoga — to members of the community.
If you are interested in sharing your knowledge on a topic, we’d love to have you join us! Contact Natalie McDonough at (518) 439-9314, ext. 3023 or by email at [email protected].
Photography contest
Celebrate the Town of Bethlehem’s 225th anniversary by entering your best shot of the town in our photography contest. Photos must be submitted framed (maximum size is 11-by-14 inches) and ready to hang between July 30-Aug. 31. Entries will be on display in September with winners in four age groups awarded Friday, Sept. 21.
See bethlehempubliclibrary.org for entry form and details. Prizes will be provided by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
Enjoy your library Wi-Fi out and about
You can connect to “Free Library WiFi” when you’re out and about at Five Rivers picnicking, hiking or exploring the nature center. This network is in addition to “Free Library WiFi” at the town park and pool, as well as inside and outside the library building. Whenever you see “Free Library WiFi” show up on your device, you’ll know you’ve tapped into the library’s growing digital network that provides Internet access all over town.
Other upcoming events
All events are free and take place at Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar. For more information, call (518) 439-9314 or visit bethlehempubliclibrary.org.
Thursday, July 19
Super Smash Tourney
Join the challenge on WiiU! Winners get bragging rights and a 3D printed trophy, 2 p.m. Sign up online or call.
Friday, July 20
Summer Cinema
Bring a blanket or pillow; we’ll supply the popcorn as you watch “A Wrinkle In Time” (PG, 119 min, Disney), 2:30 p.m. For kids and families.
Monday, July 23
Sculptures that Rock
The Tang Teaching Museum will be on hand to share some great art and help you create your own sculptural collage or musical instrument using a variety of materials, 2-3 p.m. For grades 1-5. Sign up online or call.
Tuesday, July 24
Craft Kits for Kids
Make craft kits to be donated to Albany Medical Center for children at the hospital, 3 p.m.
Wednesday, July 25
Chalk It Up to Fun
Join us on the sidewalk for some chalk fun. We will move inside if it rains, 10 a.m. For kids and families.
Paws to Read:
Dog Days of Summer
Bring a book or borrow one to read to a gentle dog who loves stories, 3-4 p.m. For grades 1-5.
— Kristen Roberts