Editor, The Spotlight:
Well, once again we are beginning to see the altogether too familiar campaign signs popping up along the roadsides. Yesterday, while driving down New Scotland South Road, a new name on one of those signs piqued my interest. It was a simple sign that read “ELECT VICKY PLOTSKY FOR COUNTY LEGISLATURE.” Who, I wondered is Vicky Plotsky? I went to Facebook and quickly learned she was the Democratic candidate who took the time and effort to petition the Board of Elections for the right to primary Darrell Duncan, the candidate supported by the Town of New Scotland and the Town of Bethlehem Democratic Committees to run for the Albany County Legislative seat in the 38th Legislative District.
I spent last evening reading everything I could find on Vicky Plotsky in order to make a decision if she would be deserving of my vote, if and when she won the Primary. Unfortunately, not being a registered Democrat, I will not be able to vote in the Primary election on September 12, 2017, but that does not mean I cannot voice my support and opinion about her as a candidate.
After reading her resume and personal statement on Facebook, I was hooked. I would recommend that you, as the voter, do the same. Yes, her reasons for running were those that every candidate wants to do; bring reform, reduce waste, reduce expenses, etc. The one thing that was apparent is that she has no political ties to the current Albany County “Old Boys’ Society.” She worked diligently to get the right to have her name on the ballot. She was just not appointed by the ‘powers that be’.
We in the Towns of New Scotland and Bethlehem need change. We need someone who will support us as taxpayers. We need someone whom we can talk to about our needs, not someone who will yes us to death, smile and walk away thinking he can fool us. Her opponent has had many opportunities to prove himself, but his self-entitled past has led him to believe he cannot be beat. Please come forward and prove him wrong. This is your opportunity as a taxpayer, and most importantly a voting citizen in the Albany County 38th Legislative District to make a difference. Remember, if you want change in your Legislative District, walk through the door on September 12 and vote. It is your right.
— Sharon M. Boehlke