[twocolumns]BETHLEHEM – The Town of Bethlehem has announced a public meeting to update residents on the town’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) on Tuesday, April 25, at Town Hall on Delaware Avenue.
The meeting, the second of a series, will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. and will include a presentation as
well as the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the following plans under consideration: the
Draft Henry Hudson Park Master Plan, Draft Proposed Land Uses, and Draft Proposed Projects and Recommendations for the proposed Waterfront Revitalization Area (WRA). The LWRP is a state-sanctioned planning process meant to guide the future of Bethlehem’s waterfront area by creating a balance between development and the protection of the unique environment and heritage of the
Hudson riverfront. Bethlehem residents, business owners, property owners and other stakeholders
are encouraged to attend.
The planning process is intended to build on work begun in 2007, when the town prepared an earlier LWRP draft. An updated plan was recommended by the town’s Comprehensive Plan Assessment Committee in a 2014 report. The process is being guided by the Local Waterfront Revitalization Advisory Group (LWRAG), led by Planning Department Chairman Robert Leslie. Representatives on the 16-member committee include residents, local stakeholders, business owners and town officials.
Since the first public meeting in October 2016, LWRAG has met on several occasions to discuss the needs, issues, and opportunities of the proposed Waterfront Revitalization Area, which includes the area bounded by the NYS Thruway, Hudson River, and the northern and southern Town boundary. Based on this discussion several recommendations for projects have evolved, which will be presented at the meeting and attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback.
“Improved access to the waterfront, rising river levels and protection of habitat were among the needs identified by stakeholders in attendance,” said Robert Leslie, chairman of the Economic Development and Planning Department. “Opportunities identified included nature and bike trails, enhanced recreation areas, preservation of scenic views, and habitat restoration.”
The Consultant Team Lead, M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. (MJ) of Clifton Park is facilitating the planning process and PLACE Alliance is providing support for the Henry Hudson Master Plan Update.
The LWRP Update will assist in implementing the goals set forth in the Town of Bethlehem Comprehensive Plan and other local plans and programs. The update is intended to guide the future of the Town of Bethlehem waterfront regarding land use, growth, economic development, and environmental conservation and identify a detailed process for implementation. It is intended to contribute to the overall vision of the Town.
The New York State Department of State (NYS DOS) is providing funding under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.
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Residents are invited to provide input on planning proposals being considered by LWRAG, such as this map identifying desirable uses for land within the designated waterfront // Star = Gateway; Residential; Industrial; Working Landscape; Low Density Residential/Open Space; Open Space/Recreation/Cultural; Commercial Mixed Use; Commercial Light Industrial Mixed Use.
The open house-style meeting will take place from 6 – 8 p.m. at Town Hall. A formal presentation will take place from 6:30 – 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
Additional public workshops will be scheduled to allow opportunity for more public engagement. More information about the additional meeting will be advertised to the public and posted on the Town of Bethlehem website at http://www.townofbethlehem.org/746/Local-