The Second Milers Retired Men’s Club will meet Wednesday, April 12 at noon at Normanskill Country Club. There will be lunch and Geoffrey Kirkpatrick, Director of Bethlehem Public Library will speak on “Your Library, Past and Future”. Call Bob Mulligan at 439-3802 for more information.
Honest Weight Co-op Tour
Tour the honest Weight Co-op with us on Tuesday, April 18. Sample foods, buy a little lunch and enjoy it in the café.
Coffee and Conversation on Friday, April 21, at the Bethlehem Pubic Library will feature “The Extraordinary Mr. Edison”, presented by Elizabeth Lafergola, SUNY Poly CMOST. We’ll have lunch before the program at Tool’s, cost on your own.
Call 439-4955, ext. 1176, to register for any of the above events.
Recycling Day
Recycling Day will be held on April 8, at the Elm Avenue Park from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Acceptable items include clothing and fabrics, paper for shredding, books, and small electronics. Limited senior transportation will be available for paper shredding. Call 439-4955, ext. 1176.
Free compost will be available on April 8 at the Town Compost facility, 1244 Feura Bush Rd. from 8:00 am-4:00 pm. Bring your own container and shovel.
The following support services are available:
– Home Energy Assistance Program, HEAP, by appointment.
– Senior Legal Services Program, by appointment.
– Breakfast at Tool’s, Wed., Apr. 19, 10:00 am.
– Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support Group, Wed., Apr. 26
– Current Events Discussion Group, Wed., Apr., 12, 10:30 am.
– Community Loan Closet: wheelchairs, canes, shower seats, etc.
Call 439-4955, ext. 1176, for more information or appointments.
Meals on Wheels
Outreach Workers are available to assist with health insurance, housing issues, food stamps, Meals on Wheels, Food Pantry, and health and income related programs. Make an appointment by calling 439-4955, ext. 1176.
Books to People is a free library program that delivers books to those who are unable to visit the library. Request books, magazines, DVD’s, CD’s and audiobooks. Call 439-9314, and press 2.
Cleaning supplies needed
The Food Pantry is in need of cleaning supplies, deodorant, toilet paper, coffee, mustard, and canned vegetables and fruit. Bring your items to the pantry at Town Hall. If you would like to access the food pantry, call 439-4955, ext. 1176, to make an appointment.
The Bethlehem Senior Citizens Club
The Bethlehem Senior Citizens Club meets weekly on Thursdays for an enjoyable afternoon of games and socializing at the Bethlehem Town Hall auditorium, 445 Delaware Ave., Delmar from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring a lunch and play pinochle, bingo, or mah jongg. Instructions can be arranged. Or just come for a chat with friends. Call Yvonne Mendleson at 472-0202 for more information.
Bethlehem Senior Transportation Service provides rides to medical, dental, therapy, and clinic appointments, grocery stores, and a variety of social and recreational programs. Come to the Senior Office in Town Hall for a copy of our newsletter or visit the Senior Services website at
Donations can be made to Bethlehem Senior Projects online at, or via check payable to Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc., 445 Delaware Ave., Delmar, NY 12054.