Dear Editor,
I attended the March 8, 2017 meeting of the Bethlehem Central School District. I was the last person to speak about the Clarksville School. I stated that to keep the building viable was to have a permanent resident.
Since it is not going to be used as a school again, the best residents would be the Albany County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Craig Apple and his deputies have good plans for the building as is stated in the March 22, 2017 issue of The Spotlight.
I applaud the keeping of the historical markers of the school here in Clarksville. This school was built after Second World War. It was the first one in New York state to be built using scientific plans no a school building. From the windows to the structure other school districts used the plans to build their schools. They still come to see the historical markers. I think they would appreciate a Sheriff’s department being there. This would be a “win-win” situation for everyone concerned.
By the way, “Clifford, the Big Red Dog,” would make a great mascot.
Mary VanAlstyne