Planning Board Member
The Bethlehem Town Board will be considering candidates for a Planning Board appointment. This appointment is for a five-year term. Compensation for calendar year 2017 will be $5,596.
Board members must be town residents and should have general knowledge of Bethlehem’s Comprehensive Plan, major land use and planning issues, zoning and subdivision processes, SEQRA requirements and procedures, site plan and subdivision evaluation, and best practices in land use planning and development.
Community involvement and other information, which applicants believe is relevant for consideration, should also be submitted.
Further information on land use and planning in Bethlehem is available on the town website especially the following links:
Citizen’s Guide to Land Use Planning and Development
Town Planning Board
Comprehensive Plan Assessment Committee
Comprehensive Plan Oversight Committee
Department of Economic Development and Planning
Please email your cover letter and resume by December 16, 2016, to Robin Nagengast: [email protected].
Ethics Board Member
The Bethlehem Town Board is considering candidates for the Ethics Board. Members of this Board are serve in a volunteer capacity and are not compensated for their service.
Board members must be town residents and should have general knowledge of ethics in the workplace. Community involvement and other information, which applicants believe is relevant for consideration, should also be submitted.
Further information on ethics in Bethlehem is available on the Town website.
Please email your cover letter and resume by December 16, 2016, to Robin Nagengast: [email protected]
Zoning Board of Appeals Member
The Bethlehem Town Board is considering candidates for a Zoning Board of Appeals appointment. This appointment is for a five-year term. Compensation for calendar year 2017 will be $5,696.
Board members must be town residents and should have general knowledge of planning and land use in the town, zoning and subdivision processes, use and area variances and applicable procedures, SEQRA requirements and procedures.
Community involvement and other information, which applicants believe is relevant for consideration, should also be submitted.
Further information on land use, planning and zoning in Bethlehem is available on the Town website
Citizen’s Guide to Land Use Planning and Development
Town Zoning Board of Appeals
Please email your cover letter and resume by December 16, 2016, to Robin Nagengast: [email protected].