Nimblefingers Exhibit
This week is your last opportunity this year to visit the library during our regular hours to enjoy viewing all the lovely handiwork created by members of the Nimblefingers group. From quilts to baskets, needlepoint to knitting, these crafters create a multitude of beautiful pieces.
Read and Explore: Welcoming Refugees
Join us at 10:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 24 as we share some books about refugee families, then get creative with this community service challenge. The Bezos Family Foundation is donating $5 to refugee-aid organizations for every postcard created. Learn more at Please register.
The Lost Radio Rounders
Join us at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Mar. 9 to enjoy The Lost Radio Rounders, as they perform their Irish Roots concert, featuring traditional Irish tunes and American songs that borrow Irish melodies. Albany’s Lost Radio Rounders includes banjo, guitar player and vocalist Paul Jossman and Lost Radio Rounders co-founder Michael Eck. Both members of the Capital Region Thomas Edison Music Hall of Fame. No registration needed. — Lynn Kohler