Blind Date with a Book
Find your book match at the Library in February! Stop by the Library and browse our eligible “book dates”; they’ll be wrapped in paper with clues to their identity on the cover.
Choose one, check it out, take it home and unwrap it. There will be no lulls in conversation, awkward questions, or need to dress up! There won’t be any hard feelings if you don’t like your date, but you might just find the match of your literary dreams!
Happier In 2023
Join us for Outer Order, our March theme for our Happier in 2023 series, on Wednesday, March 1, at 6:30 p.m. Learn to declutter your space and keep it orderly, to foster your inner peace and allow you to flourish.
Join us in person or virtually on a year-long journey as we explore ways to have a happier 2023. We’ll use materials from happiness guru Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project course. There are 12 monthly themes and we’ll explore one per month. Strengthening Families
Join us from 5:30 to 7 p.m. each Wednesday, March 1, 8, and 15 for our three-week series for parents/caregivers and youth, ages 5-17, to attend together. Build on your strengths, improve communication, and have fun together.
— Carol Melewski