TROY – Artists of all ages took some paint and spray paint to create some outdoor art along Broadway as part of the evening event, “Graffiti Gala” in Troy, Saturday, Oct. 14. The event was put on by Kristofer Mcdermott (aka Kriztix Art) and sponsored by Collar City Painting LLC..
Photos by Amy Modesti / The Spot 518
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Local artists taking part in the evening event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
A painting setup for the event, “Grafitti Night”, held outside Bootleggers in Troy, NY, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Local artists taking part in the evening event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Local artists taking part in the evening event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
A painting on view as part of the event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Local works of art created by Kriz Tix (Kris McDermott) on view at the event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Local artists taking part in the evening event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Local artist, Kriz Tix (Kris McDermott)’s signage on view at his event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
A local artist taking part in the evening event, Grafitti Night, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
A local piece of art on view as part of the event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.
Local artists taking part in the evening event, “Grafitti Night”, outside Bootlegger’s in Troy, Saturday, October 14, 2023.