TheSpot518: The band has been around since 2000 or so. It’s only natural for the band to have an evolving and changing sound. Now, one of the labels attributed to the band has been “metalcore.” It’s a genre defined by how some of the vocals are delivered in more of a growl and it almost serves another purpose. Does that make sense?
Corey Beauileu: “We’ve had the screaming element, sound, from the beginning. We’ve kind of grown. We have a broad sound. We really like the melodic side of things, and we can go to aggressive, the heavier side of metal. We’ve always had both elements, and then we’ve just used them in different ways. It’s given us a variety of different songs and not being stuck with having to use screaming all the time. We’re able to sing as well. For us, the metal core thing was kinda the big label when we first came out, because the scream-sing thing was popular for that point and time. Over time, we’ve expanded our sound and done a lot of different things, so that label doesn’t really fit us for a style of metal. We just say we’re metal because we bring so many different elements of metal and rock in general. The screaming thing, we just use when ever a song calls for it, where the part just really needs it. But, we don’t really use it all the time. So, it’s definitely something of a tool in the tool kit. It’s not something that overall defines what we do.”
TheSpot518: Definitely not. But, when you have hardcore fans who witness this change, sometimes you get fans who really dig it, and some not so much. When you go through such a change, are you conscious of how the fans will react? Are you even conscious of the change as it is occurring, or is it something that just naturally happens?
Beauileu: “Every record is just very natural. Even from the beginning, before we even have songs — When we made our first record, we were just making music as music fans. We were playing what we wanted to play. That’s how we approach every record, because nobody hears music until it’s done and put out. So, you don’t really get, ‘Hey, what do you guys think of this?’ So, we’re just playing what we feel inspired to play. Sometimes, we do screaming. Sometimes it’s not. We do what we feel the song needs. You know, obviously with every album we put out, it’s been slightly different than the one before it. You’re always going to get some people who want you to do the same thing over and over again. But, that’s not what we’re all about as musicians. We’re always trying to move forward and try new things, expand our horizons. With every album you’re guaranteed fans with expectations of what they think the record is going to be, and not be what it is, and be bummed and say something bad about it. We always think records need time. Every record that we put out, when you give it five or six months, their opinions change because they actually listen to it. They adjust and appreciate what you’re doing for that record. Every record has had its moments where there’s been resistance. But, those records over time turn out to be some of people’s favorite albums.”
TheSpot518: After all these years, do you still get a charge out of that feeling, of fans connecting to what it is you’re trying to do?
Beauileu: “I think we’ve put out so many records and gone through it so many times, you kind of expect to get it. Like, a normal thing. So, it’s not so much of a surprise anymore. Yep, there’s going to be those people who love it. There’s going to be people who don’t like it. There’s going to be people that are going to need time to really let it sink in. It’s kind of a normal thing with every release. And, with social media, everyone has a chance to scream their opinion and make it heard. I’m sure even back in the day before social media and the Internet, there’s probably the same amount or percentage of people that did that for every record, they just didn’t have such an interesting platform like social media to make it known. But, we’re used to it. It’s no big thing.”