A fundraiser that’s become a community tradition among winter sports lovers is about to mark a special anniversary.
For the 40th year, Delmar Boy Scout Troop 75 will hold its annual SportsMart event at Bethlehem High School. The fundraiser offers used sports equipment for sale at an affordable price.
“Popcorn doesn’t have the same following as Girl Scout cookies,” said Troop Leader Felix Rosa, about the Boy Scouts’ typical fundraiser. “It can be a hard sell and I think at the time the scouts were looking for something more unique.”
Hundreds of people now attend SportsMart each year and many local families wait to make sport equipment purchases until after the event in hopes of finding a deal. Residents can also drop off their used equipment to be sold, with a cut of the proceeds going to the troop.
“The event is really nice for families,” said Rosa. “Kids grow out of equipment so quickly and buying new stuff can get expensive. Parents can also get used equipment for kids trying out sports for the first time.”
Although there is a large variety of sporting equipment, there is always a plethora of ski and snowboard equipment available as a special vendor is brought in each year. All vendors also donate a portion of what is made to the troop. Most times, equipment is sold for a fifth of the retail price.
Rosa said SportsMart is Troop 75’s largest fundraiser, with all of the money going toward the cost of camping trips, cooking and camping gear, and reinvesting in the program.
As it has become more popular, the fundraiser has evolved over the years. Now, the entire outfit is computerized and the troop spends several days before the sale in software training. Each item is given a barcode and scanned before the sale begins, making checkout easier for customers. It also helps to keep track of how the proceeds are divided between the seller and the troop.
Rosa said from 8 to 11 a.m. people can drop off their used sports equipment and set a price they’d like to fetch for their gear. From 1 to 4 p.m. the public browses and buys. Former owners get the asking price for their equipment, minus 25 percent for the scouts. Items that don’t sell get returned, or are donated for a limited amount to be used in next year’s sale.
“I think we provide a unique service to the community,” said Rosa.
This will be the fifth SportsMart for Troop 75’s Senior Patrol Leader Josh Laramie. He said the consignment sale “breaks the mold” of regular scout fundraisers.
“It’s different, and the community likes that,” said the 15-year-old. “It’s also the right season and we see goods come in through the vendor that are probably $100 more somewhere else.”
Laramie said SportsMart also requires more leadership than other fundraisers. Some older scouts are now running the own sections of the sale.
“We have so much fun doing it … our troop always comes together to make sure this gets done and done right,” he said.
Food is sold during the sale at a separate concession stand run by the troop and a silent auction will be held alongside SportsMart with packages including babysitting, local baked goods and gift certificates. There will be face painting and activities for children and a raffle will be held with a grand prize of a new iPad.
SportsMart will be held on Saturday, Nov. 17, from 1 to 4 p.m. inside the Bethlehem High School Cafeteria. Attendees are encouraged to use the Van Dyke Road entrance.